Chapter 42

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"His probably listening right now and pissin his pants."

You grit your teeth and drag yourself off the bed, Sanji panicking and putting his hands up to stop you, "y/n you shouldnt be-", you put your hand on his chest and glance at up at him with a serious expression.

He sighs and drops his hands once your determined eyes burn into him, he knew that trying to stop you would only harm you further because you wouldn't give up without a fight.

Your feet meet with the wooden floors, it was cold and sent a shiver up throughout your body, your legs were weak because of the lack of use but you stood tall and stepped forward.

Frustration and bitter anger fueling your steps, your hand grabbing onto the door frame, gulping down the nervousness before you glance out of the door


His back was turned to you, you could tell that he was panicked and conflicted on which way to run because of the way his head bobbled back and forth to each exit route.

"Monkey D. LUFFY.", your voice held a hostility that made him flinch and then freeze.

Your jaw clenched even further upon seeing him so keen on escaping you.


Your lower lip pulls up and then trembles.

I hate it.

You hated that even though your heart was bursting with bitter confusion and anger, a part of it was excited and you knew that part was strong enough to snuff out the anger in an instant if he were to apologize right then and there.

You hated that while he was conflicted on which way to take to leave you, you were conflicted on whether or not you were even angry at all now that you see him.

You stood there, a million questions swirling around but it blurts out.

"Am I so hard to look at? That you had to call for Sanji..?", the hostility was gone and replaced with pure and raw hurt.

"Wha.. No!", was his response, you could tell that he wasn't expecting that, but what was he expecting?

"No...", he repeats a lot less confused and a bit more convincingly but you scoff because even now, he still had his back turned.

"Luffy, you can't even look at me right now.", you heard his sigh as you said this, your heart aching a bit at how the air was filled with silence and not him denying your words.

"Yeah... I can't look at you.", he admits frustratedly and this time your heart does more than just ache, it drops. It drops right down to your feet in an instant and splatters pathetically.

How the hell do you even respond to that?

Your eyes glossed over and looked down at your feet, trying your best to ignore the growing lump in the back of your throat while biting back the sudden and overwhelming urge to start wailing like a child.

"Why..?", you ask softly because if it were any louder, he'd be able to tell you were moments away from bursting into tears.

It was pathetic that you wanted an explanation even after hearing his words, it was obvious he wanted nothing to do with you any longer.

"I'm scared."

Your eyes widen, fear had been the last thing you expected from him but you'd be lying if his words didn't ease the ache in your tensed muscles. His back still turned to you as he shamefully admits.

"Scared..?", you push him to elaborate on what the hell he meant by this. It was out of character of Luffy to be scared or cowardly in any aspect.

"what if..", the straw hat hesitates but sighs, you saw his hand lift to his face, it was that mannerism of him ruffling his front hair frustratedly when his brain was thinking hard for too long.

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