Chapter 19

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"stay here."

He whispered and closed his eyes. You stare down at him blankly as layed silently on your lap. You were speechless. Your heart fluttered as he gently nuzzled his cheek against your thighs.

You finally remembered sanji was there not to far away from you, you gulp before look to your side, he had tears in his eyes.

Your eyes widen, he was just as bruised up as luffy and you were only worried about luffy, you felt bad but you were unable to move.

More like you didn't want to move.

You push the thought away and mouth a sorry to sanji, he turns on his back and looks up lifelessly at the ceiling.

You look back down to luffy who was peacefully asleep on your lap.

You look back at sanji, he was still looking at the ceiling miserably.

You sigh in relief before looking back down at luffy and letting out a small smile, you curl your hand into a fist trying to resist the urge to touch his face but failed.

You let your fingers caress his face, checking from time to time to make sure sanji wasn't looking.

You felt like fairy dust was being sprinkled on your heart. It felt so surreal as your hand glided on his soft skin.

His mouth agaped, he was drooling on the fabric of your pants, you couldn't help but let out a silent laugh at the cuteness of the sight.

Your eyes were glued to him, a cupboard was placed right behind you, you layed back still keeping your eyes on him being extremely careful not to wake him.

He looked so peaceful, sleeping so soundly in your lap.


"hmm?", you groan out when you feel hands shake you awake, your mind was clouded by sleep and you weren't sure where you were.

"Wha-", you groggily say half opening your eye to check who was waking you up so violently.

"usopp?", you question blinking away you're sleepiness, "finally! You're juat as hard to wake up as zoro y'know", he frowns and claps infront of your face to wake you up fully.

"where am... I?", you let out rubbing your eyes and yawning loudly.

"what do you mean where ar-", you jolt up, usopp jolting up with you and briefly screaming.

"Luffy!", you shout in his face, finally remembering where you were last night.

"why am I here? Im supposed to be on the kitchen floor with luffy cutely sleeping on my lap!", you grab usopps collar and rant without thinking.

Usopp cringes,"what kind of fantasy is that", you cover your mouth instantly.

How do I get out of this.

You slap usopp's back and start laughing uncontrollablely, "did you think I was serious?! You're so gullible Ahaha ha... Ha", your fake laughter was kind of painful to listen to.  fake it till you make it I guess

"Of course I knew you were joking!", he obviously lies, he really is gullible.

You both talked for a while but you zoned out of the conversation, your eyes glued to the door wondering why you were in your room and not where you fell asleep.

Was it really just a dream?

"Y/N!??!", you flinch, "yes!","we're docked at the new island, I said I would stay and babysit you.. But I honestly just said that so I would be able to stay on the ship", he says the last part with a proud smile as if it wasn't cowardly.

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