Chapter 25

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You recognize the voice before you even locked eyes with them.

Its Robin.

You were surprised, she was definitely the last person you'd expect to meet at night like this.

She noticed your surprised expression and softly giggled,"looks like you were expecting someone else, sorry to dissapointed you", you shake your head profusely, "No, if anything I honestly didn't know who I was expecting so late at night." you laugh.

It was a blatant lie.

You knew exactly who you wanted to see. You knew exactly which smile would make you feel better.

Robin walks over to you, her steps were soft even on the wooden deck. She stood beside you, your eyes fully focused on her movements.

She breathed the salty air in just as you did when you arrived and then turned around and leaned on the rails of the sunny with her eyes closed and her hair flowing in the wind.

She looked like a picture taken to capture the world's beauty.

"y/n, you've been acting weird lately", she says calmly with her eyes still shut. Your eyes widen at her statement but then come to a close.

You were so tired

You sighed, "yeah." was all you could or wanted to reply with. She didn't push for more information. You were grateful for that.

You and Robin stood in silence for minutes or even hours you weren't sure but you were glad to spend it with her, if it had been anyone else it would have been tiring.


Maribelle. You wondered why she acted the way she did but soon gave up because you couldn't come up with anything.

"It's getting late so I'm going to sleep and you should too y/n", she smiles at you with soft eyes and caressed your head.

"everything is going to be alright"

You looked up at her, allowing a slight sadness to show before smiling, the smile didn't reach your eyes like it usually did.

She waved before walking off, you turn your head back to the view and sighing deeply.

You knew you should probably go to sleep like Robin suggested or you would be dozing off any chance you could get but the idea didn't seem so bad when you thought about Maribelles icy glares and stabbing sneers.

Just the thought of being around her for another day made you even more tired than you already were.

You sigh again.

"What a beautiful night and I'm wasting it thinking about her"

You bite the inside of your cheeks, standing up straight with a new sense of conviction. You were determined not to let her get to you. You were going to leave this island proudly, not as an escape from her.

You spin around with a proud smile.


Your smile completely dissapears when you lock eyes with her, the new found confidence was lost.

"oh.. Sorry to scare you y/n I was looking for the bathroom", she says gripping on the hems of the shirt you borrowed her nervously.

You didn't know why she bothered changing her tone when you've seen how she's been acting recently. It makes you feel like the other side of her was just in your head.

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