Chapter 39

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Franky carried you into the sunny, the yellow ambience always made the ship seem warm and lively even when it was pitch black outside.

The ship really did carry the will of the straw hats...

You smile a bit at the thought as you glance around, the Sunny's presence filling all your senses at once.

Your home looked just as it always did and it felt the same too.

Your heart felt an instant lightness and calm wrap around it. the familiarity of it all washing through you and pushing back the horrible memories you collected in the short time you were separated.

You close your eyes and and sigh with a smile still lingering on your lips, a feeling of safety enveloping you almost completely.

You bounced your feet like a happy child as you sat on Franky's metallic arm, the happiness somehow energizing your exhausted body.

You all walked into the dining room, the kitchen being right next to it and in your view now.

Where else would Sanji be but in the kitchen right?

Franky let's you down once you near the kitchen, understanding that Sanji would probably want to hug you as a welcome back.

You breathe in slowly, careful to not make the growing pain in your ribs any harsher than it had already been.

Sanji was the last one you needed to see to make this complete.

You enter the kitchen with soft footsteps, anticipation and anxiety filling you as you stepped forward cautiously.

Your eyes scanning the area and landing on a meal?

Your face dropped when you examine the shards of a broken plate mixed in with spaghetti, a few flies hovering over the mess of what it looks to be 3 days old, rotting food.

The tomato sauce was splattered like blood and the meat balls looked more burnt than rotted.

Sanji would never....

You gulp as your eyes drift to a figure, surprised that you didn't notice the shadow cast on the sad state of food sooner.

"San... ji?", you mumble in disbelief when you see the blonde staring down at the food with no expression on his face, his ocean eyes looked completely dead, stripped completely of the whites that made the ocean in his eyes sparkle.

He didn't budge even after you had called out to him, you were at a loss for words at the sight before you.

Sanji? The goofy blonde chef, usually bursting with love and energy was now completely limp and staring down at a dish you were sure he dropped and left to rot.

He hates wasting food.

You take a step toward him as if by reflex but halt when you feel a shiver snake up your spine, the unfamiliarity of the old air around him nipped at your body and heart.

You glance behind you with a panicked look, begging silently for guidance on how exactly to approach this situation. Their mouths were all agaped and their eyes still glued to the mess of speghetti.

You gulp and look back with terrified eyes, almost tip toeing as you advanced toward him. "Sanji?", you tilt your head a bit to get more than just a glimpse of the empty blue in his eyes.

He looked so far gone.

Like nothing would be able to pull him back to where everyone else was no matter what methods were tried.

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