Chapter 37

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"Lets go home"

Thats all that had to be said before Zoro and Brooke nodded and began climbing, Usopp held on to Brooke desperately with his eyes glued shut the entire climb while you and the child held on tightly to Zoro's broad and toned back.

You smile softly at the memory of watching him train until the late hours of the night since he never cared unless I prevented his training.

Those peaceful memories felt so far away.

Your mind drifted onto the rest of the crew, and by the rest you mainly meant your captain.

Your doe eyed, innocent, dense, hilariously adorable captain.

A faint and sad smile occupying your lips as you recall his features, words and his touch.

It made your heart both melt and ache simultaneously.

You stared up and saw the light, it had been so long, too damn long. It was blinding and magical. It made you unbelievably excited because the light never dared to touch the inside of the factory.

Something so sinister did not deserve to see the light of day.

You feel the child's grip tighten as she held onto you, your eyes gravitate towards her, and just like you, her eyes were glittering at the sight of the blinding light.

Your gaze softens at the sight, her small lips were parted and her big grey eyes didn't seem so cloudy and monochrome when the light hit them, you hadn't seen anything but terror on this frail kids face. It made you wonder just how long she had been stuck in the darkness of that factory.

You purse your lips from the bitterness of your thoughts and put your hand on her head gently, she looked at you but she didn't smile, her eyes were enough indication of her happiness though, you could tell she felt the warmth of your hand when her gaze softened ever so slightly, you let a warm lob-sided smile sit on your face before you go back to looking up into the sky.

Soon enough, Zoro had finally reached the very top, the surface greeting you with the endless, clear blue sky and the blazing sun.

You inhale with your entire chest and rake the hair out of your face, almost grinning now.

The air was fresh.

You were stupidly excited, immediately grateful to be reminded that the air didn't usually reek of blood and gas fumes.

"woah, you look like shit", Zoro blurts out as you were admiring the sky.

He couldn't have been wrong though.

"Gee, thanks.", you reply sarcastically with a smile, your eyes tearing away from the sky and landing on him

"And you look...tired", you elongated the last word in disbelief as you noticed black bags under his eyes.

Its your fault.

"don't tell me you were up thinking about me all night?", you put a hand over your mouth to hide the upward curl crawling into the corners of your mouth as your eyes widen.

"You're unbelievable.", he rolls his eyes as he walks past you.

You chuckle but your heart was heavy.

Worry is all I really give them. What an inconvenience you've become.

"Hurry up.", Zoro grumbles which makes you shake the thoughts away, "You try hurrying up with broken bones.", you snap back and glare at him as you picked up the pace.

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