Chapter 27

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Hope was lost.

The log post was set and everything was ready for them to set sail.

They found the captain laying in the gravelly road when they searched for him once they woke up...

Only the word woke up would be a stretch because they didn't sleep. Not even for a second.

Chopper ran to him, checking for any major wounds or signs of internal injury. Chopper sighed in relieve when he saw that the most he had was bruises and small cuts on his body

Zoro looked the most tired of all, he kept yawning while he walked.

Franky picked the captain up and carried him back to the ship, the walk was silent and depressing. The footsteps on the gravel as well as the villages chatter were the only sounds to be heard.


Once they all reached the ship, the painful silence did not falter. Not even for a second.

The crew knew that we had to leave soon but it was painfully hard to let go and leave the island her body was lost on.

Nami breaks the silence with a deep sigh, walking to the railing of the sunny, her heels on the sunny wooden floors were the only sound to be heard, the crew just stared at her movements.

"We searched everywhere... I think it's time we let her soul rest.", she announced loudly, "We can't... She's alive-", usopp starts but nami cuts him off

"she had a devil fruit, and we've checked the shores, we've checked the entire island usopp.", a sting of pain rung through her voice as the words left her mouth, a bitter taste left in her mouth from the painfully sour words she uttered.

Usopp was quiet, he couldn't say anything more in protest and neither could the rest of the crew because what she said was true.

Every word of it was true.

There is no possible way that she could've survived, she died in the sea she traveled on...A cruel but inevitable fate of a pirate.

"the log post has set. We should leave first thing in the morning.", nami announces, her back still turned to the crew to hide the pained expression painted across her face.

"Luffy won't agree to that", Zoro says in response with the emotionless tone nami wish she could keep in her voice.

"So are we going to forget about being pirates to look for a crewmate whose died?", nami questions, imitating zoro's emotionless tone, biting into her lip until it bled to stop the tears threatening to fall.

"So you suggest we defy our captains orders? He asked us to look for an important piece of our crew nami." zoro snaps back with a louder tone than normal at her harsh words.

It wasn't like him to get even a bit defensive.

"do what you want but we're not setting sail without the captains orders.", he rubs his nose bridge as he frustratedly met the floor boards with heavy steps into the sunnys aquarium.

"This isn't good...", maribelle squeaked out with a terrified tone, grabbing onto usopps arm and partially hiding behind him

Nami puts her hands out infront of her, feeling and seeing it shake, falling to her knees and grabbing onto the sunnys railings as if it were her desperately clinging onto the last remains of hope that even through the odds you survived.

The first disagreement happened, this is probably where everything starts crumbling.

"Nami is right. Clinging onto this island is only going to hurt us more."

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