Chapter 32

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A man shouted out so loud that his words echoed throughout the factory, the hostility in his voice made the child in your arms flinch and hold you tighter.

You simply caress the back of her head gently with your bloody hands, not sure what else you could do to comfort her in this situation.

You were still hiding out in the cramped gap in between the 2 walls covered by a pile of steel pipes.

Thank God I spotted this place before it was too late...

Your legs were still slightly shaking from exhaustion and you still had absolutely no clue how to get out of this enclosed jail-like factory.

Saying you felt helpless was an understatement.

You knew you couldn't stay hidden here, there were just too many henchman looking for you for you to remain hidden here but you had no other option.

You look down at the child clinging onto you.

There's was already a little chance you would defeat all maribelle's subordinates... But now you have a child to protect. There was no way you'd be able to win while saving her.

Your original plan of recklessly pushing through wasn't an option anymore. You had to think strategically but no plan that came to you even had a 50% chance of survival.

If Maribelle's plan worked out, the Strawhats are minutes away from leaving the island...

Your heart sank when the thought of them having left already crossed your mind.

I'm Dead..

That is what they thought.

That's what Mari wanted them to believe.

Your heart ached at the thought of them sailing off to continue their voyage.

Without you.

It was selfish you but you didn't want them too.

You desired with every part of you to be there for every meal Sanji cooked, for every order Nami made, for every checkup chopper scheduled, for every book Robin wanted to share, for every lie Usopp made, for every song brooke sang, for every silly pose Franky made, for every nap zoro takes and....

Most of all you wanted to be there to see everyone of Luffy's teethy smiles.

You unconsciously hold the child tighter, hiding your glossy eyes in her frail shoulder.

Your chest rises and falls with a lingering pain in it, you weren't sure if the pain was physical of emotional anymore...

I refuse to die like this.

Your head was drowning in the window shattering screams of those who were unfortunate enough to end up on this island.

Your skin crawled when you hear the sound of their bones being crushed under the pressure of the human shredder, you felt sick when you realised that the red greenery of the island you adored at first sight was attained through such horrid methods.


Everything inside of you twisted, the childs body tensed up as if she felt the blood lust that suddenly overflowed out of your body.

That voice.

You recognized it's owner instantly. The manner in which your aura changed made the child tremble with fear, your head slowly turning towards the voice with a wide, empty and horrow stare.

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