Chapter 8

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"y-you Don... T have to b-b-be that quiet luff-y", you struggle to say as you back away to the corner of the bed, with your face tinted rosy pink.

Luffy turned looks at you with a confused frown, you were glad he was dense at times like this.

Silence filled the room and he stared at you intensely while you looked in every other direction to avoid the piercing eye contact, it only made your face burn further.

"YA HUNGRY?", he suddenly smiles widely and shouts, then he closes his mouth with a scared look on his face, he looks to the door nervously probably remembering nami told him to keep it down.

You let out a small laugh under your breath at the cute expression on his face, his adorable. You shake the weird words out of your head.

You notice the window and realize it's dark outside, how long was I out for.

"luffy how long was I asleep.", you ask calmly, luffy turns his attention away from the door to look to you.

"2 days."

His expression was serious this time, you still weren't used to seeing him serious,"You must be hungry, I'm surprised your alive. I would have died of hunger in my sleep", his face immediately changed from serious to an airhead, goofy pout.

You laugh again, if only he knew how you stayed knocked out for a whole month at one time.

"when nami got sick, she didn't eat at all, or laugh I was really worried".

"nami got sick?", you repeated in a questioning way,"yeah, if we didn't find chopper she would have died", your eyes widened as luffy told the story.

Wow they went through a lot, makes me remember that it hasn't been long since I joined the crew.

"Hey luffy, how about we sneak some food together", you whisper to him, he looks at you with sparkling eyes almost like he was looking at an angel.

"YES", "shhhh, we have to be sneaky", be shuts his mouth and nods like an innocent child, you smile.

He grabs your hand and yanks you out of bed, you stumble back and fourth, a bit dizzy from the sudden movement.

Luffy notices,"sorry", he says with an awkward smile, you mouth a "I'm fine", but to your surprise, he shakes his head with a kind of serious face, still a warm smile was present on his face.

You get confused, not sure why and what that expression on his face meant.

You gasp as he swiftly but gently picks you up into his arms like you were nothing but a feather to him, which would make sense since he has caught a monster fish with his bare hands and knocked it out with one punch.

But that was the least of your worries.

You were in his arms, right this moment he was holding you. Luffy was holding you. Your heart doesn't get a warning, it was beating so fast in your chest you were afraid he might somehow hear it, you were fixated on how your skin tickled under his touch.

You were fixated on how even though you were severely embarrassed and nervous you still locked eye contact with him, you wanted to look down but his black, doe eyes didn't give you the chance.

You were fixated on how your entire face burned a bright red.

Most of all, you were fixated on how.

At this exact moment

It looked as if the captain wasn't so dense after all..

"uh, let's go eat meat... Y/n", the tone in his voice was so unfimiliar... He sounded... Nervous.

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