Chapter 17

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It's been weeks since you woke up from your short coma, your bruises and cuts from that disgusting wrench of a man healed completely.

Even through it was all over and he was definitely dead, luffy made sure of that.

You still woke up drenched in sweat and gasping for air, the nightmares were so vivid, images of his towering over you and touching you made you sick to the stomach.

"I need to teach you a lesson. "

His words rang in your head, the memory of him sliding his hand up your shirt made your body tremble.




You gasp and sit up, eyes widened, you clutched your heart feeling as if it would explode at the rate it was beating. You look around shaking, nervously scanning every inch of the room for a dead man. Only after you made sure he wasn't anywhere you let your breathing soften.

Your body was still trembling, even though your heat beat slowed to its normal pace.

You've been having these nightmares every night now.

You were exhausted, you couldn't close your eyes without that moment re-playing in your mind.

You glance and nami and Robin sleeping soundly, you were glad you didn't wake them.

You sigh deeply before grabbing a jacket out of your cupboard and tip-toeing out of the room. You walk softly on the sunny's wooden floors, the ship was dimly lit, whoever went to sleep last must've forgotten to turn of the lamps.

You walk up deck, you were met by a strong breeze, it felt refreshing until you remembered what his devil fruit was. The should made you shiver.

Everything reminds me of that day, you were sick of feeling this helpless, HIS DEAD GOD DAMNIT, GET OVER IT.

You kneel down, hiding your face in your knees, ruffling your hair in frustration. What do I do!?!

After a while of hiding your face in your knees, you finally calmed down, you stand back up, still feeling horrible. All you wanted to do was go back to bed but you were scared you would have another nightmare.

You slowly walk to the edge of the ship and breathe in the salty air, everything about this situation is so draining, you think to yourself as you look down at the small waves in the sea.

You walk to the grass and lay in it, thinking about how pathetically helpless you are, the only sound was the small waves splashing against the ship. It was calming being awake so late like this but strangely lonely.

You were alone for such a long time before meeting luffy, you even liked being alone and never felt lonely, but now the waves sound so soft and the air around you feels suffocatingly empty.

You've only been with them for a while and they've changed your look on life so much, you would even go as far as to say they've made you dependent on them.

You realized you've been smiling this entire time while thinking about them, how embarassing. You think to yourself while pursing your lips trying to hide your smile but failing miserably.

You layed there, silently admiring the stars for what felt like hours, sleep threatening your eyes multiple times but you refused your body and and forced your eyes open, fearing the second you closed your eyes you would be met with his yellow glowing eyes and disgusting smirk.


You stayed up all night. You realise when the sky turned a warm orange the sky reflecting the orange on the water, turning everything around you a beautiful bright yellow and orange.

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