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Spencer James

"Are you sure coming out here late is a good idea?" Jordan inquired as Spencer drove down Slauson. 

"You know who you talkin' to?" Spencer glanced at Jordan and stopped at the red light. "This is my hood. I used to be out on them corners, late at night. Shit don't bother me, J" he told him.

"Alright then..." Jordan glanced out the window. "So...what is it that we're here to do?" he questioned.

"You just like Liv...askin' questions and shit" Spencer lightly chuckled. "And I ain't doin' nothin' that's gon' get us caught up. I'm just makin' sure shit straight at the store" he accelerated on the gas.

"Why couldn't Khalil have done this himself? He's the one that alerted you about this emergency" Jordan mentioned.

"Khalil's out of town" Spencer answered as he turned into the parking lot. "You gon' stay in the car?" he questioned as he put the car in park.

"No" Jordan removed his seatbelt.

"Aight. Stay behind me then" Spencer said as he exited the vehicle. Jordan then followed suit, staying behind Spencer and checking their surroundings. 

Spencer then inspected the outside of the store. He checked every corner and hidden spots, everything had been fine.

"You see anything suspicious?" Spencer asked Jordan and Jordan shook his head 'no'.

"Hmm..." Spencer furrowed his eyebrows. He then reached for the keys in his pocket and was about to unlock the door, when he noticed the door had been slightly opened. "You see that?" he pointed at the door.

"The door is cracked" Jordan glanced at the open door. "I don't think we should go in there" he mentioned.

"I'm goin' in there Jordan" Spencer reached for the door handle and Jordan placed his hand on Spencer's shoulder. 

"There's a chance someone is inside. I don't think it's worth the risk" Jordan mentioned.

"Whoever is inside should've thought twice before entering. I'm carryin' and I have the right to defend my place of business" Spencer told him.

"Or you can avoid using any form of weaponry and let the police handle it. I'll go grab my phone from the car and call the non emergency phone number" Jordan turned the opposite direction and froze into place.

"By the time they come here, some-" Spencer turned in the same direction as Jordan and his eyes widened. "You've got some nerve showin' up here" he furrowed his eyebrows at the young women in front of him.

"I just...I wanted to apologize" Destiny said through sniffles. "For causing so much unnecessary bullshit" she stated, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"This could've simply been avoided had you just spoken to me" Spencer told her. "We didn't have to go through the courts...you and Angel could've had a good relationship" he shrugged.

"And...and we still can" Destiny said and Spencer shook his head 'no'.

"You insinuated that I would harm my daughter. I went through hell to prepare to defend myself only for you to not even show up" Spencer chuckled. "You a weirdo" he shook his head in disgust.

"Spencer...I'm the last connection to Chyna" Destiny mentioned. "I'm her blood relative...her mother's sister. You would keep her away from that? From her mother's family" she continued.

"You wanted to take Angel away from her father" Spencer mentioned. "Frankly, I don't care about shit else you have to say. Get outta here" he shoo'd her away with his hand.

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