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Spencer James

"So...how did you know the stripper's name was Mercedes?" Olivia inquired as she rested her head on Spencer's chest. It was the following morning from their outing at the club and they had a few more hours left in the hotel before they had to checkout. "I noticed it last night but it didn't really register until this morning" she mentioned.

"I told you I had a life before you" Spencer answered. "And that's as honest as I am goin' to get" he gently rubbed her arm.

"So you had me around a woman you knew?" she paused from tracing his tattoos with her fingers. "Has she given you a lap dance before?" Olivia glanced up at him.

"Olivia" Spencer chuckled.

"If you had to choose between getting a lap dance from Mercedes for 5 million dollars or constantly having to relive one of the worse days of your life, which would you pick?" Olivia asked as she sat up in the bed.

"Liv you trippin' right now, on hood" Spencer chuckled as he tossed the blanket to the side and got out of the bed. "I am not answerin' that shit" he glanced at her.

"You're no fun, babe" Olivia playfully rolled her eyes.

"It's not that I'm no fun. I just know a setup when I see one" Spencer leaned forward and pecked her lips. "So you mean to tell me if I picked the first option you wouldn't have been mad?" he questioned as Olivia wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Hmm..." Olivia twisted her mouth and Spencer laughed at her.

"That's what I thought" Spencer poked her nose and Olivia playfully pushed him away from her. "You gon' stop puttin' yo hands on me" he chuckled as he quickly grabbed her from off of the bed.

Olivia screamed as Spencer put her over his shoulders and smacked her ass.

"Put me down, babe!" Olivia laughed as he slowly spun around in a circle. "Spencer!" she held onto him tightly for support.

"You comin' wit' me" Spencer smirked as he exited the bedroom. "You and I got some work to do...since you left me to dry last night" he said as he entered the bathroom.

"I'm sorry about that" Olivia said as Spencer sat her down on the counter. "I hadn't realized how tired I was" she smiled as his lips captured hers.

Olivia let out a moan as Spencer deepened their kiss with his tongue. Spencer broke their kiss and began to attack her neck with love bites. Olivia gently tossed her head to side, enjoying every bit of the moment. Spencer then opened Olivia's leg, her body bucked toward him as he ran his fingers across her core.

"Spencer wait" Olivia suddenly stopped him from going any further. 

"Did I do somethin' wrong?" he inquired as he rubbed her arm.

"You didn't" Olivia grabbed his face and pecked his lips. "I'm just...I'm not in the mood right now" she told him and he glanced at her.

"Aight...no worries" Spencer stepped away from her. "How about yo get in the shower and I'll order breakfast" he suggested and he agreed.


"Liv we gotta go!" Spencer called out as he waited by the door. He checked the time on his phone and heaved a big sigh. He placed his bag on the ground and entered the hallway. Just as he was about to walk in the bedroom he overhead Olivia having a conversation on the phone.

"He can't know!" Olivia whispered-yelled and Spencer furrowed his eyebrows. "I've gotta go...he's waiting for me at the front door" she ended her phone call. 

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