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Olivia Baker

*one week later*

"How are you holding up?" Olivia asked Nae as she sipped her tea. Olivia decided she and the kids would spend a few hours with Nae for the day. She wanted to give Spencer some time to himself as he tried to process the last couple of weeks.

"I'm just...I'm here right now sis" Nae answered. "It still feels unreal to me Liv" she said and Olivia nodded her head.

"I hear you...I understand this moment in time is difficult for you" Olivia said as she began to feed Kross his bottle of milk. "There's been so much going on and you haven't had time to process your thoughts" she said.

"That's exactly it" Nae told her. "...I wake up and think he's going to be asleep right next to me. Only to feel around the bed and he's not in his spot" she choked on her words and Olivia frowned.

Olivia genuinely felt bad for her friend. She couldn't find the right words to comfort her in this moment of vulnerability. 

"You don't have to say much Liv. You and the babies bein' here means a lot more to me than just silly ole words" Nae could read her mind. "How's everything going with Spencer's store?" she randomly changed the subject.

Olivia heaved a big sigh as she began to feed Kross his bottle of milk. She handed Angel her baby snacks and watched as she began to eat them.

"Spencer...he's not opening the store" Olivia revealed and Nae furrowed her eyebrows. "I had that same look too...but I can't blame him for not wanting to do it" she continued.

"Olivia, what do you mean he's not openin' up the store?" Nae questioned as she set her tea on the coffee table.

 "He said it's too much for him and that he doesn't want to open if Sean isn't here to celebrate" Olivia explained.

"No" Nae shook her head. "He can't just...quit. Spencer worked so hard to get to where he's at, Liv. Sean would not want him to do that. You and I both know this. I'll try to talk him into it later on this evenin'" she continued.

"I tried too...but I have to respect his choice" Olivia said. "And I think you should too" she told her.

"I know Spencer and I are both not taking this loss well" Nae began. "But I want to ask, how are you doing with all of this?" she inquired.

"It definitely hasn't been easy. Spencer's been experiencing grief for so long. I just hate that he's in constant pain...and I that I can't fix it" Olivia told her. "But I try to show up when I can...and I also give him space when necessary. But let's not talk about me...our time together is about you and your needs" she said as she removed herself from Nae's couch.

"I bought a few groceries on the way here so I could make us some lunch" Olivia said as she handed Kross to Nae. "I'm going to get started on lunch and also straighten up around here for you. Would you be okay with watching the kids or-"

"Kross and Angel are fine right where they are" Nae smiled at her friend. "We're going to watch Bluey!" she exclaimed as she grabbed the remote.

"Alright, great!" Olivia smiled as she reached for her phone. "Yell for me if you need me" she said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey baby, I saw that I missed your call" Olivia said on the phone as she opened Nae's refrigerator. "Is everything good?" she inquired as she began to pull the groceries out.

"Everything's fine. I'm hangin' in there" Spencer answered. "I miss y'all" he said and Olivia smiled.

"The kids and I should be back by the evening" she let out a yawn. "Excuse me. We might be back sooner than that because I'm tired. Your son kept me up during the night" she said and Spencer chuckled.

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