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Spencer James

"What up Nae" Spencer greeted his best friend as he entered the home. "Where Sean at?" he inquired as he closed the door behind him.

"He should be comin' down soon" Nae told him. "Go ahead and get comfortable" she said as she entered the kitchen.

"Have they taken him in for questioning?" Spencer asked as he followed Nae into the kitchen.

"They have and he answered truthfully. He won't be charged or found guilty of any crime because he was ultimately protecting you and Jordan" Nae explained. "There was no use of deadly force, it was a justifiable act" she continued and Spencer breathed a sigh of relief.

"You got a good one, Nae. You gon' be good wherever, he trained to go" Spencer said and Nae agreed.

"So what's the deal between Khalil and this Destiny chick?" Nae inquired as she took a sip of coffee.

"That's what I'm here to figure out" Spencer answered as he sat on the bar stool. "We gon' get to the bottom of this. I just can't imagine that nigga doin' somethin' dirty...we been cool for way too long" he said, referring to Khalil.

"What up Spence" Sean entered the kitchen, greeting his brother from another mother. "What chu two talkin' bout?" he inquired as he wrapped an arm around Nae.

"Khalil and Des" Nae answered as she glanced up at Sean.

"I don't know how the two of them know each other...but I do know one thing" Sean began and Spencer glanced at him. "He definitely sent her over there that night" he said.

"You might be onto somethin'..." Spencer pulled his phone out. "He was the one that sent me there to begin with. He told me to check out the store to make sure it was good because he got an alert about somethin' goin' on" he explained as he read the text Khalil sent to him.

"And what was goin' on is that she was there to begin in" Sean said and Spencer agreed. "And...Khalil just so happened to be out of town" he mentioned.

"I just don't understand why we would use Destiny out of all people? Spencer's baby mama's sister?" Nae questioned.

"It's deeper than what the two of them had goin' on" Spencer said as his friends glanced at him. "I'm wonderin' what he knows about Chyna's death" he thought out loud.

"Wait a minute" Nae widened her eyes. "Do you think...he might have somethin' to do with it?" she inquired and Spencer shrugged.

"There's a chance...this shit all connects somehow" Spencer stood to his feet. 

"But what would be the reason he'd do this?" Sean questioned. "This type of shit came out of nowhere honestly" he said and Nae agreed.

"Unless...it didn't" Spencer said and Sean furrowed his eyebrows. "This shit could've been planned the night Ace approached me at the Shell. Hell...maybe even further" he mentioned.

"Ace?" Sean questioned.

"I can't prove it yet, but I have a feelin' this shit goes beyond Khalil and Destiny" Spencer began. "Sean, you remember how defensive Khalil was during the meeting, where he was tryna convince me to give that nigga a job?" he inquired.

"And you almost gave in to it" Sean shook his head. "I ain't forget" he said.

"This shit ain't coincidental" Spencer stated. "I was stupid enough to suggest it to get Ace off of my back but Khalil was OD wit' it. He wanted that shit to happen" he continued.

"He wanted that nigga to come in so the two of them take over what you've built" Sean stated.

"It ain't about ownership of the store. There's no way he'd ever get ownership, not when I've got shit set up for my kids" Spencer said.

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