Arranged (Bakugou Katsuki)

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For @Bts_jijixx

Most girls grew up wanting to be a princess who lived in a castle and got their every need taken care of by another. Waiting for the day their prince would come along and fall in love at first sight before you were whisked away to a life filled with happiness and contentedness.

That was all you ever heard as you grew up. The tales of how soon enough, a prince looking for a wife would come by and take you along to make you their princess. Even the girls who came from families that were nobles had dreams of royalty.

You were not one of those girls though, as you knew the truth of what the crown really was. Your family had been the second hands of the king for ages and you often had tagged along as a child with your father to see the king and his family. You had witnessed the cruel reality of being a princess then and there.

The king's eldest daughter had fallen in love with one of her servants and despite telling her father this and begging him to make an exception, he had angrily shot down his daughter's pleas. Within a week, the princess had been married off to some prince she had never met in another kingdom far from her original home.

Royalty was all about looks and power and happiness were near non-existent. So much so that you were unsure if anyone who called themselves a royal had ever been happy before or knew of what it felt like. It was something you secretly pitied about your rulers, but also something you were thankful would never befall a duchess such as yourself.

Or that was until you had turned of age and your father announced that he was seeking a partner for you. Apparently, it was a tradition for your family to marry those who also held power in your kingdom or held promise to become someone who could responsibly uphold the duties of advising the rulers.

A week after your fifteenth birthday, your own marriage had been announced and you couldn't process it. Especially when you had been seeing someone yourself prior to this. He had been a local baker's son and always treated you so kindly. But, you couldn't just refuse, your family's name was on the line and you soon found yourself at your wedding and marrying a man you had only met twice before he became your husband.

He apparently was a young knight who had been outshining all his peers and was thought of to quickly make the elite position within the knights and would order his own unit when the time came. So, your father had seen merit in him and contacted his parents. He was your age after all and thus, his parents thought it would be good for him to have someone by his side.

The both of you were married and you found yourself taking his last name. Bakugou was a strange name, but now it was your name... and you were this knight's wife and he was now a duke thanks to your standing.

Which led you to now, a year into your marriage and feeling like things had finally settled down. You were not a fan of him at first, but you had come to love your husband and learn about the person he was at his core and not that rough exterior he put out.

And today was a special day. He was getting advanced to the next stage of his life as a knight and would be getting his own unit to watch over. He had been gone all day to go through the ceremony and so you had been preparing for his return. And he finally way home.

"Welcome home, Katsuki." You greeted him with a smile. "How was it?"

"As fucking stingy as I thought it would be-" He scoffed and then pulled something out of his pocket. "But they gave me the official crest at least."

You looked at it with interest and beamed at your husband. He was the youngest person to ever do this! So, it was time for you to show off all you had been prepping while he was waiting through the long ceremony.

"I made your favorite!" You told him as you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen. "I think I finally got the recipe your mother gave me down too!"

"I'll have to have a fucking taste and see if that's true then." He teased you with that crooked smile of his.

"Oh hush and eat already!" You batted his shoulder. "Today is a special day and you deserve to be spoiled a little."

"A little?"

"If I spoil you too much that ego of yours is going to flare up again."

"O-oi! Watch your fucking mouth!!"

"Pot. Kettle. Black." You gave him a sly smile and started to serve him the food. "You really should know better then to try and start a spat with me, Katsuki."

"How did I end up getting married to someone as fucking stubborn as me?" He asked but you knew there was no malice in his words. "Your old man was there by the way."

"Of course he was... he still is the king's ears." You shook your head. "Pretty soon... that's going to be your job."

"Not if I can fucking help it. I became a fucking knight to fight not tell some royal fuck what to do." He shook his head. "His son is gonna learn to be independent the moment he takes the throne and I'll make fucking sure of it!"

"Maybe you could even convince him to abolish the monarchy." You laughed and your husband glared at you.

"We'd both be out of a fucking job and standing if that happened." He replied and you rolled your eyes. "Besides, if the little princely prick can do shit on his own without me holding his hand all the time, then I'll be able to fight more and train more knights and also maybe be home more if you want me to be here."

"Not want my husband home with me?" You gasped. "What kind of wife would I be if I didn't want you here with me?"

"Annoying." He breathed out and took another bite of your meal. "But... at least your cooking is good enough to want to come home to everyday."

"Glad to hear I have some worth as your wife." You chuckled and then got up from where you were sitting.

You approached him before crouching down and giving the ash-blonde-haired knight a kiss on his cheeks. He blushed lightly and you chuckled. He may not have been who you originally saw yourself with, but you had come to love him as much as he had come to love you.

You were one of the lucky ones to marry someone you could come to love and you would never take that for granted.

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