Memes From a Random Number (Shinsou Hitoshi)

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Shinsou Hitoshi:

He couldn't be sure, but as he continued to reply with continuous pictures... he was starting to think that his long-lost memeing cryptid was the girl sitting across from him in the library cafe. He wasn't entirely sure, after all, she could be looking at anything on her phone. But the way she looked down just after he sent a text and how he would get one just as she placed her phone down was a bit too good to be true.

He had suddenly started this strange relationship when he got a random picture of that couple that the internet had gotten obsessed with: the one where the man is looking back at some other girl and his girlfriend looks upset at him. The picture had been cautioned something like: 'Food at home' 'Me' 'Ordering Out'.

Shinsou had gotten a chuckle out of it and then sent his reply.

'Funny. But I think you have the wrong number?'

The reply came sooner then he expected:

'You're not Haruka-chan?'


'Oh. Well, I have a lot of memes if you want some from time to time?'

'I'd enjoy that.'

'Sweet. Guess you have a meme dealer now.'

It had been just a short and quick first conversation, but he soon learned that he had gotten himself in a bit too much. This number would send him at least one meme a day, and he found himself eagerly waiting to get them. He was actually enjoying the stupid jokes this number had sent him.

As he got more comfortable with the number, he decided to a bit more of the person on the other side of the screen and see if they truly were as cool as their memes were.

'So, you have a name or are you just a meme generator?'

'While I do like the idea of being a meme generator... I am a real person I assure you. Name's (Name), but I ain't giving you any more info stranger. Not until I know you better at least ;)'

'Shinsou Hitoshi. And don't worry, I'm not the type to pry. I just wanted a name for your contact.'

'Awe how sweet. I just had 'random number who likes memes' as yours'


And ironically enough, the memes continued, but your conversations grew. He would ask how your day was, and you would reply with either a gif or actual words depending on your mood. Truthfully he found your simple way of talking and expressing yourself rather sweet.

You didn't bore him or overwhelm him... but rather talked to him as if the two of you were classmates, friends even. Shinsou had actually started to develop a soft crush towards the girl on the other side and as much as he hated to accept it... he knew he was in too deep now.

So when he saw this cute girl sitting a few feet away, laughing at what he assumed was his cat meme he sent her... he couldn't help but attempt to get an answer out of her himself.

He'd have to be delicate though... one wrong word and (Name) might assume he was some creepy stalker. So no taking a picture of this girl and asking (Name) if it was her... or approaching her suddenly either.

'Hey... are you at the city's library right now? In the cafe?'

He clicked send, watching the girl pick up her phone, placing her bubble tea down and reading the text. Her eyes perked up, but not in joy, but rather in confusion and maybe some possible fright.

Shinsou quickly stopped looking at her, once again trying not to seem like a creep. His phone buzzed a moment later and he locked his violet hues down onto the device, quickly unlocking it and reading the text.

'Yeah, I am... how did you know that?'

Now was the crucial part. He had to drop this info and not freak her or anyone out. He quickly calmed his hands and typed out his answer, hoping for it not to appear like too much or too little for the girl he was harboring major feelings for... or in her words 'feels'

'I saw a girl laughing and it was always when I sent a meme too you. I swear I'm not a creep or a stalker... but I'm so confused as to if it's you or if I'm losing it.'

'She wearing a pair of light blue ripped jeans on top of a rose-red shirt?'


'Yeah, that's me. Which one are you?'

'Purple hair that looks like I just rolled out of bed and a UA sweatshirt and black jeans.'

He clicked send and watched as you read it, then scanned the crowd before you. When your eyes landed on you, you smiled brightly and waved to him. Shinsou waved back, then suddenly froze.

You threw all your stuff into your backpack and dashed towards him at his own table. You through a chair to join him and sat down looking at him. He blushed softly as you stared him in the eyes, taking in his appearance.

"I finally understand all the 'I look like death' memes you sent me. You look ready to pass out Shinsou-kun."

"You're one to talk. You actually turned out to be a teenage girl and not some creepy 40-year-old man."

You snickered. "Maybe I have a transformation quirk?"

Shinsou rolled his eyes, knowing full well how much you loved to tease him. You laughed at his annoyed display but further pressed on.

"Glad to finally meet you in person!"


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