Midoriya Izuku:
Something was wrong, that much he could tell. You had not been as active, nor as around as you usually were since training that day. You had taken a rough landing on your knee, an audible cracking sound heard to much of the class when it had happened.
You had claimed you were fine though, just pulled a muscle and that you could walk it off. So when you did rise up to your leg and attempted to walk off, it was fairly noticeable when your face contorted into pain and you struggle to limp off to the girl's changing room.
The rest of the day was no different, seeing as Aizawa excused you for the remaining part of the day to go and see Recovery Girl. But when Izuku and company had arrived back at the dorms, they saw you icing your knee.
"What did Recovery Girl say?" Ochaco had asked right away, her gut feeling telling her that something was wrong.
"Oh. I didn't go." Was (Name)'s curt reply.
"You didn't go?" Iida was quick to react. "Y-you're beyond injured and can barely move! You must go and see Recovery Girl right away!"
You held your hand up, gesturing to the ice pack and held a thumb up. "Relax Iida-kun, I just pulled it! A little ice and some rest and I'll be as good as new!"
The three exchanged glances, both Uraraka and Iida giving Izuku a look to say something to you. He was the best at not only motivating, but talking some sense into people as well... and right now (Name) needed someone to.
"(Last Name)-san... I think it'll be a good idea- just have it looked at."
"I'm fine Midoriya-kun." Your voice was stern, smile turning into a slight frown.
"But you don't loo-"
"I said I'm fine. Please take my word for it!" She interrupted him, watching as her tone had caused the boy to take a hesitant step back.
(Name) turned her face away from her friends and glanced down at her leg, the pain increase by each moment. It had been doing so since she landed on it. It was bad, that much she knew, but she was scared to go a find out exactly what was wrong.
She had never been found of medical procedures for as long as she could remember. As a child she remembered trying to get out of doctor's appointments and crying when learning she would need a shot.
It wasn't her fault though, everyone had a fear after all. Hers just happened to be going to see a doctor. And she had been so careful as well! Avoiding being hit in training, dropping out of the Sport's Festival after the obstacle course, and even going as far to surrender in battle if it looked like she was about to get beat up.
But alas, the charade looked to almost be up. Her knee was most likely broken, or even fractured. Losing your footing and landing on your knee from 3 stories might do that to you. Even so, she had attempted to gloss it over as nothing.
Like a damn fool.
"S-sorry. You guys are right... something is wrong with it." You mumbled, burying you face in your hands.
"Why didn't you go earlier then?" Izuku asked, bending downwards and patting your back ever so softly.
"I-I'm afraid... I really don't like the doctor or anything related to medical stuff."
"Would it be better if I came with you? Would that be better?" Izuku blushed, feeling his heart beat slightly at his question.
Holding your hand and comforting you through your fear... like a- like a boyfriend would do..oh goodness!
"W-would you really come with me Midoriya-kun?" You sniffled, then jolted back in pain from trying to move slightly.
"Yeah, I'll be right by your side. Y-you can squeeze my hand when things get scary or you can talk to me if you need a distraction. D-does that sound okay?"
You hummed in agreement, then glanced down at your leg shyly. You turned back to the three people standing in the room with you. Your cheeks reddened significantly and you looked away in embarrassment.
"I-I can't walk... c-could someone carry me to Recovery Girl's office?"
"I-I can't! I don't have any upper body strength!" Uraraka spoke, dashing off to the stair case.
"U-uraraka-san... your quirk is anti-gravity." Izuku mumbled, looking to Iida who was walking away as well.
"Iida-kun?" You voice caused him to stop momentarily.
He turned around and pointed to his watch. "It's nearly time for my daily cleaning of all my glasses. So I'll leave this to you Midoriya-kun."
You and Izuku looked at each other, then back at where iida was slowly ascending the stairs.
"T-that's a lot of glasses to clean..." You mumbled as Izuku began to do this own mumbling.
"If I lift her which way should it be, if she's on my back that might lead to her knee getting injured, if she's over my shoulder it would further hurt her leg, but a standard bridal carry might make people assume something else. Then what way would be the best possible way to not only get her to Recovery Girl, but also assure her injury is not worsened-"
"Midoriya-kun!" You shouted, breaking him from his daze.
"Y-yes (Last Name)-san?!"
"Just carry me on your back, it'll be fine."
Izuku nodded and picked you up carefully, making sure your body was against his with ease, a well as keeping your injury elevated. He could feel you relax against him and he began to move to the nurse's office.
"Thanks for coming with me..." You muttered, closing your eyes and inhaling Izuku's scent: like new books with a dash of mint.
"It's not a problem... that last thing I'd want is for you to be hurt or in pain. I care about you too much."

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfiction~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...