Midoriya Izuku:
It wasn't often that a group assignment was given out in class, nor was it common for the project to be on a topic of choice for the students to pick. What was common however, was the randomly assigned partner that every student was given.
On this particular assignment, Midoriya Izuku found himself with none other then (Name). A very friendly and academic classmate, who no doubt would help him make a great project to present to the class the next week.
There was only one slight issue however, and that issue being the heart pounding, nerve wracking and tongue twisting feelings the green haired hero felt towards his classmate. If it wasn't already obvious to everyone within the greater Tokyo area, Izuku was the last person who could hold himself together when it came to romantic feelings.
It was already a miracle he was able to ask for (Name)'s home address so he could come over after school and start on the project. Which led him to the now, standing outside her apartment door, only a few blocks from where he and his mother lived, waiting for her to open the door.
He calmed his nerves down, trying to explain that he was here to work on a project and nothing else. But nearly jumped out of his red sneakers when the door was opened, breaking him out of his mental preparations.
(Name) looked at him, their clear (eye color) orbs rising in concern. "Are you okay Midoriya-kun?"
"A-Ah! Um- Yes! Thank you f-for a-asking (Last Name)-san."
They chuckled, waving him in. "For the last time, call me by my first name, or at least chan. You're too formal Midoriya-kun."
Izuku nodded, slipping out of his jacket and shoes. (Name) pointed to the living room, motioning for him to head in there.
"I'm going to grab my laptop and backpack from my room, I'll meet you out in the living room in a moment. Make yourself comfortable though!" They called, their form disappearing down another hallway.
"O-Okay." Izuku mumbled, walking towards a small couch.
He placed his backpack by the coffee table in front, nearly missing a sketchbook on it already. A few scattered pens, pencils and erasers near the book, his interest rising as he looked at the object further.
It was a convenience store sketchpad, nothing too fancy, but judging by the worn and stained cover, it must have been used quite a lot. He had often seen you drawing in it during class, lunch, breaks and even a few times during training.
You would usually be scolded by a teacher for not paying attention... but it just made whatever you were drawing seem that much more mysterious. What could be so captivating that you didn't pay attention to instructors every now and then?
His rough fingertips lightly touched the cover, slightly lifting it up. This was an invasion of privacy though, wasn't it? He didn't ask and it was your property.
But he was so curious... small peak wouldn't hurt, right? Just a look at one page and no more! He would stop after he saw one example of what always held your attention. He would be satisfied after that!
Glancing behind him real quick, he turned the page, opening it to see the image on something he wasn't expecting. An image that made him stop breathing and a brilliant heat rise to his cheeks as a result.
Staring back at him, sketched in black and white, aside from the eyes which were colored a vibrant green- was him. An image from the sports festival you must have witnessed and captured from the stands.
The image of him holding his fist in a dedicated manner, a determined and moved face capturing his inner ambitions. A moment of time, a moment of his character captured so wonderfully on this fragile page.
Without a thought, he turned the page seeing another one of him from a training session, his newer hero costume version drawn like you had been the one to design it. His wide grin staring back at him from the page.
Another one where he was staring absentmindedly out the window in classroom 1-A. His hair shaded to reflect the sunlight entering the room, and once again the only pop of color being his forest hues.
"The next one's my favorite." You snapped him away from his wonder and daze, remembering that he wasn't alone.
"Ah! (Last Name)-san! S-Sorry! I-"
"It's fine Midoriya-kun. I just hope you didn't mind that I made you my muse for so many pieces."
"I-It's fine... you're really good after all. I'm kinda honored."
"You have some really beautiful poses, you could be a model, y'know."
"M-me?!" Izuku blushed waving his arms around. "N-No way! I'm so plain looking!"
(Name) chuckled, reaching forward and turning the page to the one that was apparently her favorite one. On it was a still life of the cafeteria: one of Izuku sitting at his table, conversation being made with his friends.
As always, the only color coming from their irises and their shading and poses being so natural and perfect looking. Izuku's eyes widened, now realizing why this was her favorite, it was beautiful and truly showed how much he cared for his friends. And how they cared so much for him as well. You could easily tell by how they were drawn, a warm and close feeling radiating from the people in the image.
"Wow." He muttered, looking at her.
"I know, you guys are really wonderful models."
"N-No. I mean you're really talented!"
(Name) laughed, shaking her head. "It's only a hobby. There are so many better artists than me."
"I could never do this though! And you make it look so stunning and unique. The way you only color the eyes is what makes it really stand out for me! You're naturally drawn to the eyes like you are in real life, so it gives it this real feeling... if that makes any sense..."
"It does! And thanks for liking it so much." (Name) blushed, tugging on a piece of their hair. "I-if you want... I can scan these and give you the prints. If you want them that is?"
Izuku nodded excitedly. "Really? You don't mind? I would love them... its kinda silly, but seeing them made me feel like a real hero. Cause they have all these drawings of them from admirers... s-sorry, that's really dumb."
"N-No! I think it's really interesting how you think of it that way! And if that's the case, I'll make sure to keep drawing you! You deserves to be recognized for your hard work!"
"Y-you'd really do that..."
(Name) smiled, giving Izuku a thumb's up and smiling widely. "You deserve it hero!"

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfiction~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...