Bakugou Katsuki:
"It's Over."
The reply was short, but to the point. The pixelated screen showing three dots popping up, meaning he was typing a reply back. But you didn't want to hear it, nor did you want to allow him the option to give him a chance to make up excuses.
"Number has been blocked"
Sighing, you shoved your phone back into your pocket, looking up to tell the lunch staff what you would like for your meal. After ordering, you waited by the pick up line for said meal, hearing the muttering and mumbling of the day from the under classmen and your peers.
Anything to get your mind off him and the event he had neglected to tell you. The event that caused the fight in the first place. Maybe if he had been honest, maybe if he had told you right away... then maybe your trust in him would not have been broken.
But for whatever reason, Mirio had left out that key detail. The detail that after some mission or random rescue... that some civilian had kissed him. And not a simple kiss on the cheek as a thank you.
A full blown smack on the lips, her tongue shoving into his mouth for all the news media to capture and post. The worst of it though wasn't that Mirio got kissed by some girl who didn't know, but instead that he didn't tell you.
Meaning that when you turned on the TV that night, the top story of 'Lemillions New Girl' plastered on every major station was enough for your rage to boil over and spill out.
Truthfully, the two of you had been growing apart since he graduated from UA: he was out in the hero world, while you were in your final year at UA. His time was limited and your irritation with him due to this caused you to snap at him more times then not when he was spending time with you.
He had tried to explain over the phone that he didn't think it was a big deal. It was a simple kiss that didn't mean anything, and you were over reacting. But he should have known your trust issues by now. He should have know him not telling you would be the breaking force.
Now single and depressed, you stared blankly at the students grabbing their food before your had finished, zoned out of the two boys jestering and talking about you from behind. One's red hair nodded quickly, his fingers pointing and his smile never ceasing. The other had ash blonde hair, its shape as rough and strange as his quirk. This student was shaking his head, his lips snarling in a vicious manner.
Sighing, the redhead pushed forward, ignoring the blond's protest and tapped on your shoulder, pulling you from your daze and making you turn to focus on him.
"Hey (Name)-senpai!" The boy you recognized as your junior, Kirishima Eijiro waved to you. You had come into class 1-A, though now 2-A, a few times throughout the past year and gotten to know a few of the students. He was one of them.
And the one sulking up behind him was another: Bakugou Katsuki
"Oh. Hey guys." You forced a smile, trying to hide your heartbreak from the two who were standing in next to you know, their lunch slips indicating they were waiting for their meals too.
"Sorry about what happened with Togata-senpai." Kirishima sighed.
You shook your head, your frown progressing on your face. "It was bound to happen... neither of us had been happy."
"Good riddance then." Bakugou spoke up, hands shoved into his pockets, his face still seething in rage.
You let out a chuckle, making both males turn a gaze to you. "Yeah... good riddance indeed. THough, I wish it hadn't have been the way it was..."
"I'm sure it was-"
"He fucking deserves more than just a break up. If I were you, I would go and break something of his since he broke your fucking heart!" Bakugou suddenly called out, his face contorting further into anger.
"Dude calm down." Kirishima sweatdropped, then walked forward, seeing his meal had finished, leaving you and Bakugou alone.
"You seem more upset than I do about what happened." You mumbled, Bakugou clicking his tongue at your statement.
"You fucking deserve a guy who won't cheat on you, accident or not. If that was me, I would have thrown the bitch off of me and told her I was a taken man. Then i would have called you and asked how to fucking make it right."
"You're a better boyfriend and friend then Mirio ever was then." You shuffled your feet. "You're gonna make someone very happy one day Bakugou-san."
"The only person I want to make fucking happy is you." He scoffed, turning his head away.
You held your breath and looked at him, not sure what he was getting at. But slowly your mind formed a question to call out and ask the blond next to you.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not interested in being your fucking rebound or jumping at you when you need time... but when you're feeling better and want to do somethin'... give me a fucking call."
He grabbed shoved a piece of folded paper into your hand and then walked away. You blinked, unfolding the paper and seeing a certain order of numbers written out in rushed handwriting.
You smiled softly, tucking the phone number into the pocket next to your phone and seriously considering his offer. Anything was possible after all.

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfic~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...