Vlog (Shinsou Hitoshi)

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Shinsou Hitoshi:

Let's face it, the recommended tab on Youtube was one of the most inaccurate and annoying parts of the video sharing website. You watch one click bait video by accident and the next thing you know... all of your recommended videos are clickbait titles and thumbnails you really have no interest in.

Poor Shinsou just wanted to watch one the newest video of one of the few youtuber's he actually liked. But of course, the minute he pulls up the page to Youtube, his feed is full of videos the website he thinks he would like.

Sighing in irritation as he really does not need '20 life hacks for the busy mom' he starts clicking the tab indicating he's not interested in the videos. Slowly but surely he gets to the last one, but his finger hovers over the keyboard.

The girl on the thumbnail looks familiar... but it couldn't be? She was always pretty shy in class, so what would make her want to record herself for... 7 million people?!

Feeling his curiosity being peaked, Shinsou clicked the video. As her face appears on the video, he knows for sure it's her: (Full Name) the cute and shy girl who sits two seats to the right of him in class. And now here she is smiling brightly for the camera and addressing her audience.

Curious as to what kind of content she makes, he continues watching soon realizing she's a story time youtuber and a vlogger. He understands why: nearly everyone in Japan as well as the world wants to know what being a student at UA is like and she's sweet and detailed enough to allow people the chance to find out.

"Today I embarrassed myself a bit more then usual..." She chuckles in embarrassment and then squishes her cheeks together. "... and in front of the boy who I like..."

Shinsou flinches from this... she likes someone? Shaking his head he continues listening, not wanting to miss a single detail, as she had really wound him in.

"I had just finished buying my lunch and was walking to my seat, when my klutziness acted up again and WHAM!" She lightly smacks her desk and then shakes it, obviously smacking it harder than she meant to.

"I fall forward as I tripped over my own two feet! And to make matter worse... my sleepy hero was walking by and grabs me before I collide with the ground.

Then he just nods at me and walks off! Gah! I'm so embarrassed! He must think I'm a total idiot!"

She continues to talk, the subject changing, but Shinsou is no longer listening... rather he's comparing to what she said and how he had literally grabbed her last week when she tripped. Both stories matching up nearly perfectly...

He shakes his head, feeling his warm cheeks and then chuckles. She said it was the boy she liked who saved her... and well... he was the one who saved her! This meant she liked him! She liked him back!

The Next Day~

(Name) is sitting calmly at her desk, waiting for the day to begin, her eyes focused on reading the comments from her latest fans. She pauses a moment when she sees a familiar name and a profile picture of a cate from her latest story time.

Shinsou Hitoshi: Good story. But my version is a bit different.

She lets out a small shriek and then turns off her phone. No way did he find her channel! And no way did he watch her video gushing over him and his heroic save of her during lunch! This was not happening... he must think she's some obsessed stalker now...

As if on cue, the door to the classroom slides open and Shinsou walks in. The two make eye contact before (Name) blushes and buries her face in her hands, hoping to hide from Shinsou.

"I can still see you." He mumbles coming closer and standing next to her desk. "And don't be embarrassed, you're a very gifted speaker."

"Y-you were not supposed to find my videos..."

"Blame Youtube's bad recommended feed then."

"I'll tell then."

"So..." He pauses, clearing his throat. "When's your next story time coming out?"

She pulls her head up looking at him in shock, her mouth open and her cheeks painted pink. "Y-you actually liked my stuff?"

"Yes. You're very good at making entertaining videos. I gave you a subscribe."

She chuckles. "Oh and whenever something happens that's of interest, I make a story time."

"Would the boy you like and have dubbed you 'sleepy hero' asking you out fit under something of interest?"


"Would you go out with me?"

(Name) blushes and nods. "The shippers on my channel are going to go crazy over this... plus you'll need to come on too!"

Shinsou smiles, chuckling at her excitement. "As long as I can take you out on a proper date, it's fine with me."

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