Iida Tenya:
"You're what?!" Mina cried and looked around at the training grounds that their class had just been brought to.
"Yeah, I'm their daughter, and this training resort is part of my family's business." (Name) smiled and watched as some of her classmates reacted to this little reveal. Though it was not little at all, as a matter of fact it was huge.
The (Last Name) company were some of the leading teachers, inventors and activist in the hero industry. From their labs that made the best hero gear to their offices that hired some of the best rising stars, if you got picked up by them you were set for the big time.
"Everyone relax... (Last Name)-san has agreed to let us use their training facilities today due to (Name)-san being in our class. That does not mean you all can act as you please, treat this field trip like any other training." Aizawa rounded in his students and gestured to the man who had been introduced as your father a moment ago.
"Hello Class 1-A, my daughter tells me a lot about you. Therefore I'll let you have the run of our state of the art facilities today. However, before you get you access passes, I ask that you all do a one on one sparing to calculate your skills.
When done you access cards will show your stats and made suggestions on what part of our training areas would benefit you the most. Now who wants to go first?"
Twenty-one arms shot into the air as well as shouting and calls to be picked to go first and thus get access to this amazing industry as fast as they could.
"Iida-san. (Name)-san." Aizawa called out. "You two go first, as you both were being the most polite to (Last Name)-san."
You and Iida exchanged friendly glances before you both took spots on the opposite ends of the ring.
"Don't go easy on me okay? Give it your all or you won't get an accurate rating!" You called out to Iida, you heart thumping softly as he gave you a thumbs up and a smile.
"And-" You father held his hand in the air the waved it down. "-BEGIN!"
Iida was fast and was quickly at your side, raising a leg in an attempt to kick you in the side and send you flying out of the ring. You had expected this though and used your reflexes to dodge him.
He watched as you jumped over him and tucked and rolled away from him to ensure a safer distance away from the blue eyed male. When you had gotten back up, Iida had wasted no time and flung a fist your way.
You barely had time to register as he scraped against you arm. You jumped and kicked him in the chest, pushing him back a couple feet as you did so. You let out a tired breath, seeing as your own stamina was dropping by the minute having to keep up with such a quick opponent.
You had to think of a way to slow him down or distract him and fast!
Iida reached out to grab you and was surprised when you allowed him to bring you close to him, ready to toss you out of the ring. But then he froze when you tossed your arms his neck.
"Sorry about this, but my dad's watching and I want to impress him!" (Name) declared and then smacked her lips onto the class president's.
Iida froze in his movement, his grip on the girl letting go completely and his mind sparking at what was happening. You had completely broken him down by one kiss.
"EHHHHH?!" Your class cried, watching the scene unfold.
"SHE TOOK A NOTE FROM MS.MIDNIGHT!" Kaminari called out
"A kiss in battle? That's q-quite a tactic..." Izuku scribbled away.
You broke the kiss and smiled sweetly at Iida who was slowing coming back to reality from his sudden journey to paradise. You saw him blink and knew that now was the best moment to fling him out of the ring.
"Sorry Iida-kun! About that... and this!" You cried and released a burst of wind, sending the male flying out of the ring and hitting a bush.
The buzzer sounded and everyone looked around dumbfound.
"Where did you learn to do that?!" Kirishima demanded.
"Her mother..." You father trailed off, and gave his daughter a thumb's up for her actions. He was a proud papa that day.

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfiction~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...