Bakugou Katsuki:
The morning had gone off well, not too much yelling by Katsuki or his mother, everyone liking and enjoying the gifts they had gotten each other and the happy peaceful mood of the Bakugou household on this Christmas morning.
"Well if that's all of them, then let's go and start on breakfast." Mitsuki spoke, eyeing her husband from his recliner next to her own cushioned seat.
"Not so fast!" (Name) called out, quickly getting up and running to the guest room her and Katsuki had been staying at for the past few days.
(Name) returned a moment later, holding a small rectangular package. Katsuki adjusted himself on the couch as his wife handed his mother the gift. She took her seat right back next to the love of her life.
(Name) smiled excitedly at Katsuki, his own reaction to her giddiness being to roll his eyes and scoff. She snorted at his childlike attitude, knowing full well that he did not mean how he acted.
The two had been married for over a year now and dated for much much longer. She understood his attitude was just a front and knew the real him even more behind the closed doors of their apartment.
And boy did he constantly prove his love for her back inside their home. He wasn't the overly sweet type, and would much rather playfully tease her, but when he needed to sugar coat her, he would do so until she felt spoiled.
Katsuki was an interesting character, one that took (Name) a while to understand. But once she did, she could not help but fall deeply in love with him. And lucky for her, the man had felt the same towards her and the two had once again proved their love for the other.
Except, this time it was a bit different than the last ones, and it was time to let Katsuki's parents into the easily guarded and kept secret. And what better way than to do it through something his own parents loved and adored.
"Just don't make a fucking big deal about it." Bakugou turned his head, hiding his embarrassed cheeks.
God, why did he agree to this? This was your idea, but god letting his parents find out this way might be the worst way for his ego. But you looked so excited when you had bought it and explained your idea to him... he just couldn't say no. Especially if it was you.
"It makes me curious to see what sort of-" Mitsuki paused, racking her brain for the correct word to use. "-thing- you got your father and me."
"Shut it old hag! Open the damn gift already!"
You pressed a hand on Katsuki's leg, making him let out a huff, but calm down. Mitsuki giggled at how you had basically tamed her unruly son. A true testament to how much he trusted you and your judgment.
"Well if (Name) helped pick it out, it must not be so bad." Masaru added on to the teasing of his son.
"Seriously?" Bakugou growled, through the fight in his voice a moment ago was no longer present.
"Shut it, kid. I'm opening your gift now." Mitsuki rudely shut him up.
Her hands undid the lace ribbon on the top, sliding it off and onto the armrest next to her. She removed the lid to the thin box and saw a soft purple piece of tissue paper blocking the actual gift.
Katsuki's hand slipped into yours when his mother began to remove the paper, revealing what had been underneath and inside this entire time. And upon seeing them, the older woman reared her head back in confusion.
There, staring back at her, was a small patched on cartoon lion. Masaru glanced over, seeing the same thing, but then reached in and picked up the fabric, having a bit more of an idea of what this was then his wife.
The two had long been a fashion duo: him as the designer and her as the model and later assistant and confident. And from his expert eyes, a cartoon animal on this type of fabric could only relate to one thing.
Masaru allowed the small onesie to fall out and show itself off in his hands. And next to him, Mitsuki saw the pair of tiny little socks that had been placed underneath them. It took both a moment to react, as it was quite the news, but when the realized it, their heads snapped back to their son and his lovely wife.
"You're pregnant?"
"You knocked (Name) up?"
You curled in on yourself, tears of joy springing from your eyes at their separate choice words for the news. Masaru, of course, being as polite as possible, but Mitsuki sharing a bit more of a vulgar reaction.
Katsuki immediately went on the defensive, feeling as if his character was being attacked by his mother of all people.
"The fuck does that mean? It's not like we're fucking sixteen and weren't being careful! I'm twenty-three and we talked about it for months before it actually happened! What the fuck do you take me for, woman?!"
"Katsuki calm down. Your mother didn't mean it like that." His father attempted to calm the mood down.
"Oh my goodness. We're going to be grandparents, Masaru! Us! Grandparents!" Mitsuki was ecstatic, throwing her arms up and laughing jovially.
"Congrats you two." Masaru smiled, nodding proudly to his son.
Bakugou's eyes widened from this, yet he wiped it away after a moment. His usual high and mighty attitude back and he smirked. His hand placed gently on your stomach.
"She's almost two months along. So we thought it was fucking time to tell you two..."
You nodded, placing your hand on Katsuki's. You smiled softly, knowing that the two of you had started to create a new life, one that would be growing in you for a few months until it was time to finally meet your baby.
"Katsuki if you're gonna be a dad you should watch your fucking mouth..." Mitsuki scolded him.
"Huh?! Who the fuck do you think I got it from?!"
"Are you blaming me for your piss attitude?!"
You sighed, realizing that despite all the yelling and swearing, the Bakugou family was very loving and supportive. And you could not wait for your baby to meet their grandparents, as they would be very loved.

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfic~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...