It was a calm Sunday: no school, no work, no plans. Just a little time to yourself as you wandered around the partly crowded mall. It wasn't close to any holidays and none of the shops seemed to be having a crazy sale either, so not many people were here.
You had decided to come due to just relax and catch your breath from the week. School had been picking up, your job had asked you to cover more shifts then you should have been doing, and your family was always crazy. But this week was over and a new one beginning.
Meaning anything could happen! You could find a new shop you loved, you could make a new friend, you could even meet your destined partner if the odds were in your favor enough!
Laughing a little at your overly optimistic attitude, you smiled and thought more about what it would be like to meet the individual you had been tied to since birth. Your long awaited soulmate, your soon to be found lover... whatever you would call it.
You had heard stories of what it was like to meet them. Your parents described it as they had made eye contact and their string of fate had appeared. The red string that connected your lives and allowed you to know you had found the person you were to be with.
But... a soulmate was more than just a string attached to your wrist when you first meet eyes. But someone who held a precious and amazing gift, more special than any quirk could have. More brilliant than the strongest hero.
A soulmate had the ability to heal their own soulmate: physical, mental, emotion, anything troubling you could be whisked away into oblivion if your soulmate decided upon it. All they had to do was wish from the bottom of their heart to heal them and then gently kiss the area where the pain was... and it would be gone.
It seemed ridiculous when just being told about it, but even as a little girl you didn't fully believe it. It seemed almost too good to be true... someone who would love you unconditionally and who could also make you better with a simple kiss.
But that was until your parents had told you their family secret when they had figured out that you were skeptical of it. And the story itself had made you realize that maybe... this soulmate system and the gift it came with was exactly what people seemed to think it was.
Your mother had sat you down on the couch at the ripe age of 10, your father coming over on your other side. On his lap was their wedding album, a thin layer of dust upon it. Your mother wiped away a tear.
You father opened the book a moment later, the first picture being one of your mother and father... but something different stuck out. Something you had never seen before or even heard at the dinner table or family gatherings.
In her wedding dress, dressed for the most important day of her life was your mother. Her hair done up perfectly, her eyes smiling and your father next to her, his hand on her shoulder.
But what stood out was not the younger versions of your parents, but rather the object your mother was sitting in. Despite wearing a wedding dress and smiling so widely, you could not help but feel conflicted about the wheelchair your mother was sitting in.
You glanced at your mother, grabbing her hand in worry. She kissed your temple at the time, muttering words of comfort to you. When you both calmed, your father explained that your mother used to be restrained to a wheelchair.
Apparently, when she was a child, your mother had gotten into a car accident, rendering her paralyzed for much of her young life. And when she met your father, she still even believed that she would be forever stuck in that chair.
"The day of the wedding, I expressed how much I wanted to walk down the aisle to him. And then by some miracle, when he kissed my legs... it was as if the accident never happened." Your mother cried, kissing your father.
"It's strange to think... but the soulmate system does work. I wanted to grant your mother's wish. So I decided to try it out myself... and lo and behold it worked." Your father reminisced.
"That's why we only have to pay for medical when you get hurt or sick." You mother teased you, though in reality... this had hit you like a ton of bricks.
You really did have a soul mate out there somewhere... and whoever they were would not only love you... but could heal and fix you like no medicine could. A literal miracle kiss.
Ever since that day you had become quite fond of that thought. Of meeting them finally and falling in love. Not worrying about sickness or injury as long as the other was around and living life peacefully with this thought in mind.
You had been so lost in your thoughts and dreams that you were not looking where you were going. As such, your body collided with someone, knocking you both over and onto the tile surface of the mall's floor.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" You called out, embarrassment lighting up your features.
You knew it was one of your flaws to get lost in your realms of fantasy and love, but today it had actually managed to knock you and someone else off their feet. You quickly began to clean up the dropped objects.
Your hands picked up your fallen department store bag with the new top you had bought, as well as a cookbook for soba, obviously this stranger's purchase. Your corner vision saw him grabbing the latest comic on All Might, as a plastic bag from another clothing store.
You rose to your feet, stretching out the object that belonged to him. Your eyes stayed tuned on the floor, not sure what to do or say, as this stranger had yet to even speak a single word to you.
"Thank you. And I believe this is yours." He mumbled, touching your hand softly to grab his book of recipes.
"O-Oh.. thank you." You shyly spoke, glancing up to reach for your comic book.
You grabbed the object, catching a glance at red and white hair... strange. In this world of quirks, you had seen some interesting people, but he looked so normal aside from that strange hairdo.
Your eyes wandered down further to see if maybe he had more strange parts of his appearance. Your eyes met his, a vibrant pool of blue and a striking silver looking sternly into your own soft shades of (eye color).
Suddenly your body felt snug, as if you had just put on a fluffy and warm jacket that fits you perfectly, like it was meant for you to wear. You watched as his eyes widened, a realization crossing your mind that he had felt this odd feeling as well.
You shifted ever so little, but your ears caught the sound of a small bell chiming. Your eyes broke away from his, his own looking to the bell as well. You gasped as a thick red string decorated with lilies and daisies was tied around your wrist, the red string breaking off and going forwards toward this stranger.
He lifted up his end, arm shaking at the detail the two of you had just found out by total accident due to your clumsiness. On his arm was the other end of the scarlet string, tied as snuggly on him with the same florals as the one on your wrist. A bell chiming softly as he trembled as well.
You glanced up at him, trying not to get over emotion over this finding. You urged yourself to keep it together and turn this first impression around and show him how happy you were for finally finding him.
But as you lifted your eyes up again, you noticed a detail on his face that you had missed the last time. Some trance must have come over you when you locked his eyes the first time, as you missed a major part of his appearance.
You gulped, turning away from his face, not wanting to be rude by staring. But it was fairly noticeable, the scar on his face. Right on his left side, making that gorgeous ocean blue eye stand out more, was a large burn scar.
You shook your head, not wanting to focus on this and make yourself seem so petty and ridiculous to this boy whose name you did not even know yet. You smiled softly, looking back up at him and hesitantly holding out your hand.
"(Name)... it's nice to finally meet you." You smiled, the bell on the arm extending chiming beautifully and filling both your ears with only that sound.

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfiction~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...