Bakugou Katsuki:
You didn't know what had possessed you to do so. One minute you and everyone had been walking back to the dorms after a long, hard, exhausting day of classes and training... the next you had balled up a bit of snow and flung your breakable ball at the first who was trudging along in front of you.
Bakugou had wasted no time, turning and angrily staring down the classmates behind him. He had been walking near the front of the group, trying to get away from his annoying classmates when his head had been assaulted by a flurry of white powder.
You hid your giggles, awe still enveloping your mind that you had managed to throw a ball from the very back of the group all the way to the front where your intended victim was. And since nearly 20 people were between you and Bakugou, he had no idea it had been you.
"I'll fucking ask again! Who the hell socked me with a damn snowball! Come clean now and maybe I won't fucking make you eat the dirt!"
"Do you mean snow, bro?" Kirishima asked, knowing full well that his words would tick Bakugou off more.
"Do I look like I give two flying shi- UGH!"
Kirishima chuckled, watching as a snowball of his own had so perfectly hit Bakugou on the mouth. The stream burning through his palms was not as menacing now since Bakugou looked to have some stubble on his face made of frozen ice crystals.
"So it was you!" Bakugou roared, charging forward.
Kirishima ducked, and Bakugou attempted to grab him... only for two more snowballs to hit his back and lower leg. He turned to look at him in a mad daze, locking eyes with Kaminari and Sero who were attempting to hold back chuckles and wiping their eyes.
You could tell now that your initial 'innocent' snowball had now turned into everyone using Bakugou as target practice. You assumed that if the ash blonde would not calm down himself... then the snowballs your classmates were starting to make would do the trick for you.
"I'll kill anyone who fucking decides to throw another one of those shitty snowballs at me!"
When no one through one, Bakugou smirked in victory and held his hands on his hips, smiling widely at having successfully ended this raid on him. Though he counts his eggs a bit too soon...
He left out another muffled groan as the latest snowball meant his face with perfect aim. He wiped the ice away, only for another one to be thrown at him. And then another. And another.
"I suppose this is good target practice." Uraraka chuckled, touching the balls of ice Todoroki was making besides her.
"And I'm getting some practice making more soft ice." Todoroki nodded to the brown haired girl.
"Todoroki-kun... Uraraka-san... please stop." Midoriya warned them both, seeing Bakugou getting angrier and angrier as they continued to pound their classmate.
"That's fucking it!" Bakugou slammed his hand against the snow.
He balled up the snow and laughed menacingly to his classmates, his mind racing and thinking of his he was going to destroy them all with his display of warfare in the battle of snowballs.
He cupped his hand and took aim for Deku, smiling evilly as the boy waved his hands back and forth, asking not to get swept into this.
However, as Bakugou let go of the snowball, only a few droplets of water came out of his hand. He stared back at his hand, not quite believing what he assumed had happened.
"Ha! He got so mad that he melted the snow!" Kaminari laughed, laughing so hard he fell into the snow himself.
"Heh. That's embarrassing." Jirou snorted, turning away to not let Bakugou see her laughing at him.
"That's kinda cute Baku-chan." Tsuyu smiled at him.
"Shut the hell up, all of you! I'll show you!"
You watched in amusement as Bakugou reached the same conclusion over and over again as he attempted to throw and make snowballs. And while it was kind of funny to see Bakugou's anger be used against him for once, you also kinda felt bad.
You were the one who caused everyone to gang up on him... so why not let all order drop...
You had already seen Mineta using this distraction to get closer to Momo who was standing off to the side, just watching the chaos. The creep had reached his hands out, ready to touch her curves and lower half the minute she let her guard down a bit more.
Not wasting another second, you through one towards Momo, knowing she had seen you nod at her, telling her to move to the side a bit. The ball of snow left your hand and Yaoyorozu moved just in time as the ball whizzed to its intended target.
Momo blinked when Mineta hit the snow with a thud, and everyone fell silent, slowly casting their gazes away from Mineta to Yaoyorozu and then finally to you who was making a new ball of snow in your hands.
You turned to make eye contact with everyone, smirking in anticipation of the words you knew were going to set every one of your classmates off the moment you said the words. You clicked your tongue, throwing the ball and hitting Kirishima on his shoulder.
"Snowball fight!" You screamed, quickly diving towards a bush as everyone bellowed a war cry and took off to build aim and shelter for themselves.
You chuckled as you saw Mina hit Toru with a ball in the leg. She managed to get up and throw one at Mina, only for the pink girl to dodge and her ball of snow to hit Tokoyami instead. The bird boy with the help of Dark Shadow rained terror upon Toru, as well as several classmates near her such as Sero, Aoyama, and Kouda.
Next, to them, Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Izuku were making a team. Todoroki had created a fort of ice for the four, while his three allies made snowballs and defended their land. Tsuyu was perched on a tree above them, no doubt as air support.
Suddenly someone rolled into the bush next to you, grabbing your peeping head and making you duck. You heard the sounds of someone groaning and a snowball breaking against the tree behind you.
"Idiot! Pay attention!" BAkugou ordered you, his hands still burning and slightly damp.
"Oh, so we're a team?" You giggled, watching as his face lit up.
"No way in hell! You just had the best fucking hiding spot!"
"And you can't make a damn snowball cause your emotions are making you melt all the snow!"
"Shut the hell up, dumbass!"
"Here." You took off your own gloves, pushing them into Bakugou's hands.
"Like these girly gloves will fucking hit me."
"There men's... they keep the heat in better. I have a spare pair in my backpack. So maybe now you'll be able to actually make a snowball and not look like a joke."
"I'll fucking push your head into the snow again..."
"And then you'll be all on your own. You want to beat Midoriya and Todoroki right?"
"Fuck yes I do."
"Then let's get Kirishima and Kaminari on our side and beat the hell outta them!"
Bakugou smirked, looking out at what used to be UA campus, now a live battleground. People were getting hit left and right, some laying as pretend dead. Others were hiding among the snow and brush, making plans. And others were teaming up and ready to strike when the moment arose.
"Now you're speaking my fucking language!"

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfiction~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...