Kaminari Denki
Writing Prompt 2 - Please don't cry. I can't stand to see you cry
In his whole life, he would have never thought that a knocking at his door at 3am would be (Name) shaking and tears streaming down her face.
Kaminari nearly was slapped awake just by the look of terror and devastation on your face. What had happened? Why were you so scared and upset?
He wasted no time in pulling you into his room and closing the door quietly to not wake any of his neighbors up. When he had made sure you both were alone, his attention was 110% focused on his (Name).
"Babe, are you okay? What's the matter? You scared me half to death when I opened the doo-"
He stopped when you suddenly rang into his chest and tightly wrapped your arms around him. He noticed how tightly he was being held by you, as if you were afraid that when you let go... he wouldn't be there.
"Talk to me beautiful..." You cooed and moved to sit down and lean against his bed with you still tightly holding him like a precious heirloom.
"Bad- no... terrible dream." You finally managed to say.
"I see. Can I ask what it was about?"
He was hesitant to ask, seeing as you were still trembling. It must have been quite a nightmare to send you into such a scared mess. He knew you and he knew that it had to be something really big to turn his confident (Name) into his clinging sobbing mess.
"We were all back at U-USJ during that villain invasion incident. E-except this time instead of it being a bunch of petty thugs... they were real villains who had been trained for this sort of thing..."
You stopped talking and shook your head back and forth, your tears starting up again. You covered your mouth in an attempt to silence your tears but you it was no use. The idea and memory had already come back to the surface and was scaring you again.
Kaminari's eyes widened as he watched you break down again. Shit! How do you comfort someone after a nightmare that resulted in all their friends and loved ones dying in front of them?
He didn't have a clue what to do, but he couldn't just leave you like this! It wasn't right, you were a broken bird right now and desperately looking for someone to fix your wing.
"H-hey." he attempted to start, a tad bit rocky. "I-it's okay? Look! I'm right here and I'm fine! I'm sure if we were to go and wake the others up they'd all be pissed for it being 3am... but they'd be alive and fine too!"
You continued crying into his chest, showing that his attempt was less than helpful. Kaminari even hated himself for that pathetic speech. Alright, time for round 2: sappy teen romance.
"I'm sorry." He pressed his hand to the back of your head and gently moved it closer to his form. "It must have been really scary... I can't imagine watching you or anyone else from class die in front of my eyes... dream or not."
He watched as your sniffling started to gradually calm down, alerting him to whatever he was doing was working. Now he understood why so many couples had this 'late night heart to heart' in movies and shows... because it actually worked and moved them closer than a normal conversation would!
"And you can stay here as long as you want, I'm not the type of guy to kick out someone when they needed me so much."
"Thank you Kaminari-kun." You muffled voice came to his ears.
"J-just promise me you'll stop crying soon okay? You scared me when I saw those tears... I really hate to see you cry."
"Keep holding me like this and I think they'll stop eventually... your arms are really warm and comfy to be held in."
"I'm glad about that then."
"H-hey *yawn* Kaminari-kun?"
"Yeah Sleeping Beauty?"
"Thanks for opening your door... I really needed to see you."
He didn't say anything, just hugged you closer to him and pulling a blanket over you both. It was enough to let you know that at least for the rest of the night, he'd keep the nightmares away.

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfiction~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...