{Vampire AU} Crimson (Bakugou Katsuki)

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Bakugou Katsuki:

His grip was stern in so many places: your side, your thigh, and your neck. And while this hadn't been the first time he had ever held this familiar grip on your neck, you would be quite foolish to admit that this was in no way as rough as he had originally held onto you.

It was so gentle now, the way his hands and legs kept you in place. How he wasn't overly aggressive with the action or even how his general greediness had also been nearly erased away by these last few months.

A small moan escaped your lips, the feeling of him on your neck so very different from what you had been told... what you had been warned would feel like if you ever allowed such an action to occur on your warm, living skin.

And yet, as he feasted on you, his grip gentle and his arm tugging you close to him, you couldn't recall a time where you felt more safe and comfortable. Such an odd feeling for a regular ordinary human to have while a vampire feasted on her like the regular pray he would stalk at the darkest hours of the night.

Yet with the blonde here with you... you couldn't feel anything else other than comfort and ease. Maybe it was the initial toxin he added to your skin to make you easier to feast upon and thus relax you. Maybe it was that you and your father had long since had a falling out and this was the type of danger you wanted... to cross him and his strict upbringing.

Or maybe it was because this vampire truly did mean something to you. Maybe it was more the just you providing him blood and shelter for protection and companionship. And maybe... maybe he felt it as well. Maybe there was some ounce of humanity left in his cold heart that was telling him that this was now something more than he had originally intended as well.

He truthfully could have ended it ages ago. He could have ended it on that night... the one that forever changed how the two of you lived, breathed, acted. On that night... nearly 7 months ago... he had found out that his long aged and old hunter had a daughter.

A young pretty heart that was foolish enough to keep her patio door unlocked at night. In truth, most humans would be safe on the seventh story with an unlocked patio door, but you were no ordinary human... you were the only child of his greatest enemy. The only child of the hunter who had for decades nearly killed the old blonde vampire over a dozen times.

This was personal, and him killing the girl would send quite the message. That man would come to regret every action he'd taken when he saw your cold, blood drained body. There was no way in which he'd change his mind about your fate. It had already been decided.

And yet... despite how easily he overpowered you. Despite how the girl managed to stab him twice in the arm with a stake. Despite how he managed to pin her and leave the best possible opening for him to do his bidding... something stopped him.

He had done everything that he had learned how to do for centuries: prepare your victim and leave no openings for escape. Make sure to properly release the paralyzing toxic in his saliva onto the skin where he would penetrate. Make sure the victim is left in a daze and enjoy your meal.

And despite it all: who he was, who she was, what he had planned to do... the moment his fangs retracted the first bits of blood from her onto his tongue, he knew that this girl would never in any way come to harm because of him.

It was an old legend... the story of fated lovers even among the dead. Bakugou had never believed it, as legends were only simple tales made up by desperate humans trying to explain the things their small brains would never know.

However, as his detached from her neck, he couldn't help the overwhelming urge to take you into his arms and hold onto this girl desperately. She was his after all... his most precious gift and his gateway to feeling even remotely alive once more. He had been fated to meet her, even under these circumstances, and it was now his duty to protect her for as long as his long long life allowed him.

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