The first time it happened, the sound of a TV clicking on was faintly heard. One of those soft purrs that an older television would have, but instead of in a family's living room, it was projected into the entire part of my brain. A sudden click making me think the old tv in my room had been turned on.
When I realized it wasn't- it was due to a sudden roaring voice making me jolt out of my bed and suddenly hit the floor with a thud. With my heart racing and my eyes scanning the small room for any sign of an intruder, I realized whoever shouted was still talking.
And the more I looked around my room, the more I realized that I was still the only one here, the only one in this small room as well. But if so, who was this person and why were they yelling so much?
However, before I got the chance his voice was gone. Another soft click and then silence again, my mind becoming my private space one more. No strange voice- nothing. It was just myself, and the loneliness of my thoughts.
The second time it happened, I was at school. Like the last time, nothing seemingly caused it to happen, it just started up again. Another faint snap of the television turning on and the sound broadcast of this boy's own thoughts and voice in my head.
It was so sudden that I stood up, excusing myself from class. I lied through my teeth, telling my teacher and classmates that I wasn't feeling well and decided to walk straight home.
It was only then when I spoke to excuse myself that it turned out he could hear me as well.
"The fuck?" Came his reply, obviously not expecting a girl to suddenly appear in his thought just like he had in mine.
"So you can hear me too?" I remember saying, thinking about how his voice sounded much smoother when he it was toned down.
"You using your quirk on me fucker!?" Was his next response, anger once again flared up.
He seemed as confused as I did about our situation, but it seemed he didn't have any more of the answers then I had.
"I assumed it was yours?" I thought, hearing the sounds of what I could only assume to be a growl next.
He seemed to be angry by nature, a quick observation and one I had even before I knew his name.
"So it ain't your quirk?"
"No. And I assume it's not yours."
"Well fuck..."
"You sure swear a lot stranger."
"Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to think!"
"It's kinda hard to do since everyone is always thinking."
Then once again, before he could reply with those nasty words of his, our connection shut off just like before. The same ' click ' and then nothing but silence. The only thing different this time was how much longer it lasted.
Unlike the previous time, this one lasted upwards to a few minutes rather than a few seconds. And unlike last time, he was able to hear me as well, and we gathered that this strange connection was not because of him nor myself.
From then on, those strange clickings would be the start of our mental connection, the notice that our thoughts were not private, but rather shared between two parties. It got annoying pretty quick.
His ideas of crushing enemies, and blowing up everything in his path. My rather calm attitude, almost 'emotionless' in his opinion and my lack of concern about this situation. It was quite easy to tell he didn't like this, and me as a result.

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfic~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...