You looked at the snap he had just sent you, unable to tell if it was his face or a piece of burnt toast from the terrible lighting. You sighed, feeling the need to yet again let his terrible photos slide, but you had had enough.
It was time to teach this cocky piece of shit how to take a decent selfie.
You showed up to Kurogiri's bar later that day, knowing the League would either be out or sleeping since they mostly operated at night anyway. You knocked three time, pausing 4 seconds before the third one.
The door opened, revealing Tomura. He sighed and tried to shut the door on you, but you had kicked your foot in and glared at him.
"Is Dabi here?" You asked, not letting this man child shut you out once more.
"Yes, but only members of the League are allowed in. So leave." He attempted to scare you, smiling sinisterly at you.
You had long since become numb to the criminal underground though, and simply stared at him blankly, tapping your foot not trapped in the door impatiently. When he saw that you were not going anywhere he moved away.
"At least buy a damn drink." He spat, allowing you to enter the secret hideout.
"I always do shit stain." You harassed him, never having been fond of this man.
Much like the man you were looking for, you were not fond of the League of Villain's leader, but you put up with him because Stain had followed him. However unlike your boyfriend who would be a little shit around Tomura, you were much more cold.
Walking in, you spotted a few familiar faces: Kurogiri behind the bar, cleaning a glass, Toga admiring a picture of that plain looking boy with green hair, Spinner play GTA on the TV with Twice.
Finally, sitting near the end of the row of seats at the bar was Dabi, a halfway gone tall glass of beer by his hand, resting on the counter. You walked over, taking a seat on the stool next to him.
He lifted his eyes up, seeing you next to him. He wasn't expecting to see you today, so this was a nice surprise.
"Hey beautiful, what brings you to this shit hole?"
You held up your phone, the screenshot very visible to his face. He smirked and glanced back at you.
"You liked my picture that much you came to see me? I didn't know it would get you that hot and bothered."
Your eye twitched. "Oh it got me hot and bothered, but not in the way you're thinking of. As a matter of fact- I hate it."
Dabi widened his blue eyes slightly, a visibly shocked at this declaration. He knew you could be foul mouthed and rude at times, but you hated the picture. What crawled up your ass and made you such an asshole today?
"I'm going to teach you how to take a proper one." You started, opening up snapchat.
"Really? This is what you've come to bother me about?" He huffed, picking up his beer and taking a long swig. "So annoying."
"You obviously need to be taught."
"First, you need to take them in better lighting." You spoke, showing him how dark the lighting in this particular spot was.
He could see how those cute little cheeks he had a sick liking to were barely visible, as was that twinkle of mischief in your eyes. Strange since he could see both perfectly fine without the camera.
You pulled him towards the larger sitting area, as the lighting was better. You sat him down once more and you sat next to him. You snapped another shot, showing him how improved the lighting was.
"See, now you can actually see the glow of my face. Now step 2: angles."
"Why exactly do I need to know this?"
"Because I'm sick of everyone getting cute selfies of their boyfriends, but not me."
He rolled his eyes at your petty and childish reason, but continued to listen anyway. It was kinda entertaining how you were treating this like an art. Though... photography was an art he guessed.
"You gotta get the angle that shows off all your best features. Toga, you're great at this." You brought the psycho girl into the convo.
Toga giggled, grabbing her phone and snapping a quick pic. Your phones showed a new snap from her and you clicked it. Dabi and you looked on at the great example.
Toga had tilted her head to the side ever so slightly, one of her buns showing off and her golden eyes catching the attention of the on looker. She had her lips pursed out, one eye winking near a peace sign on her hand.
"She's a high schooler, of course she knows how to take a damn selfie." Dabi complained.
"Then why don't you, Mr. I'm Too Cool For School." You rolled your eyes and handed him the phone.
"What now?"
"Try it again."
He groaned opening up the app. "I'm doing one to get you off my back."
"OOoooooh no." You sang. "I've got all night to get you to take good selfies and you can bet your piercings I'm not letting up until you do."
Dabi huffed out in irritation. It was going to be a long ass night.

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfiction~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...