Todoroki Shouto:
The first time you had met the prince, it was when he had attempted to start a basic service job at a blacksmith in the kingdom. The boy had obviously had no prior experience in such a detailed and meticulous task, yet here he was, trying to forge a sword.
At the time, you had been the only one to recognize him. Quite strange to him since he was positive he had traveled far enough and not worn anything to give himself away. He had not made many appearances in his own kingdom, who the chances of someone knowing his face was not a high chance.
Yet the moment you saw him, you knew this was the runaway prince. The one who had escaped his tyrant of a father a few weeks back and had not been seen or heard from.
You had taken him in, telling him you knew who he was and that if he promised to help out with your work as an adventurer and basic home chores he would have a place to stay and his location not reported to the authorities.
Todoroki, of course, took the chance, not wanting to be dragged back home to that awful place and that awful man. So he accepted the new life he had been offered by this strange girl and quickly got used to the life of an adventure.
They two traveled far and wide, learning and fighting, bonding and supporting the other through many trials and tribulations. Many tasks that looked grim, others that looked easy, all were conquered and dealt with. The two had made an amazing team and soon the guild received requests for the mage of fire and ice and his trusty assassin partner.
And for a while, Todoroki had forgotten exactly why he was hesitant about her in the first place. She at first had given him this vibe of knowing more than he did: she did know who he truly was after all. But also as if she personally had a very big secret herself.
How did she know him? Why did she never talk about her past? Was she hiding something big?
Todoroki would not know until much later after successfully defending the kingdom from a raid when he found out the truth. It had been requested by the king for himself and his partner to meet up and accept his thanks.
Tales of Todoroki and (Name) had traveled to him and the king wanted to speak to them personally about their work to defend his land. And thus, Todoroki found himself standing in the high court of a neighboring kingdom, the ruler himself standing right before him.
"Your majesty." Todoroki knelt down in front of the man dressed modestly, the only indication that he was the ruler of this land being the iconic crest that was engraved on his shield.The king laughed heartily, bending down and placing Todoroki back on his feet. The man smiled and shook the young prince's hand and gave him a wink.
"Your father would be quite upset to see you bowing to a man and king who he believed to be a mere plotting rat!"
Todoroki's gaze turned dark, his head shaking in disagreement. He knew of his father's hatred for this place, it was one of the reasons he came here, but he also had fallen in love with it and its people. They were warm and friendly, always welcoming and helping the others out and supporting the land. It truly was admirable.
"Your land and people are more homely to me then my father could ever make that pathetic castle he dominates back home." The prince spat, his partner chuckling at his burning hatred for the man who was his father.
"My my. Well I'm glad to have you as an ally then, Prince Shouto." The king glanced at the girl behind him.
His face softened even further and he excused himself from the previous conversation to move to one with the other adventurer who had stopped the attack just as much as the magic-wielding prince.
"And I have heard of your trials with fire and life as well, young lady."
"I have been surviving and living just fine, your grace."
"Still as reckless and ruthless as the boys I see. Well... I didn't raise a damsel waiting to get saved."
"No, you didn't. I'll be just as strong in my rule as you one day."
Todoroki blinked, seeing this conversation take a completely different turn then what he was expecting. He had assumed the king would take the same words and give them to you, but instead, he was slowly piecing together the pieces of the puzzle.
"Pardon me." He spoke to the duo, them both turning to look at him.
"What is it Todoroki?" You asked.
"Yes good sir, what troubles you?" The king spoke as well.
He must have really sounded worried if both suddenly were concerned about his health and well being after the kingdom was nearly attacked and raided.
"Ar-are the two of you related?" Todoroki asked.
The king turned to you and ruffled your hair, laughing once again. "Ha! Too embarrassed to share your birth standing? What sort of princess did I raise if she's too nervous to exchange pleasantries with the other royalty of this land?!"
"P-princess?" Todoroki mouthed, the world having been altered with this delightful little detail.
"My rank does not determine my worthiness, father. That's why I've been fighting. And besides, it's better to hide in the light then to let the entire world know." You spoke back, hands on your hips and your eyes rolling.
"You're the princess of this kingdom?" Todoroki mumbled, now seeing you in an entirely different light than before.
"Yes, I am." You nodded to him, not hiding any doubt any longer.
The prince blinked, finally understanding and also feeling a sort of pride for you. But also a new admiration in his heart. He had fallen for you before, but now seeing that your rank meant little to you above doing the right thing... he intended to gain your trust and more as time went on.

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfiction~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...