She was supposed to be home by now. She gets off patrol every night at 9 pm sharp. Her train is 30 minutes from her apartment to her work, and the walk to the station for both takes 10 minutes. So... she should have been home around 10 pm.
And yet... at the clock struck midnight... the pro-hero still had not made it home. And as he waited in the apartment he had come to know and often 'break' into to see her... his worry grew and he knew exactly why.
There was a villain attack tonight... right by where her agency was. Some small time gang trying to become a 'better' League of Villains. The stapled man laughed, thinking of how that nasty hand guy would much rather admit to liking All Might, then allow some petty thugs to overtake the League.
But that wasn't the issue, as he knew Shigaraki would allow the heroes to quickly snuff out this new group... and that was what had happened tonight. And though Dabi had assumed that the trained pro-heroes and their sidekicks could make easy work of this small group, it turns out that both the League of Villain and the pro-heroes had underestimated the new group of villains.
But... he hadn't heard of any casualties among the heroes, only minor injuries and a successful job is done. But that didn't make his heart pounded deeply into his chest. His entire reason for coming here and waiting to see her home was to make sure that crummy sidekick was okay.
It was never supposed to be this way... he wasn't supposed to fall for some hero dreaming girl... and suddenly drop his entire night of planned petty thefts to make sure she was okay. But yet here he was, waiting under the dull light of her kitchen with a now empty glass of beer.
Why did he have to fall for a hero? One he wasn't even sure felt the same way about him... or ever would. She and he did often spend the nights together, despite their morals saying otherwise... and she never turned him in- however, was it love or passion in her eyes?
He wasn't sure... and Dabi was never a fan of not knowing how someone felt about you. Too many bad interactions with family in the past reminding him of this... and even now he hated to even allow the idea of his naive yet brave little hero not returning those affections.
The soft clicking of the front door unlocking made his thoughts cut short, he glanced towards the door as more pale light flooding the small apartment before it closed again. Her footsteps were heard coming towards the kitchen.
In the soft lighting, he could see her tattered form: bruised eye, broken lip, cut cheek and disheveled hair. And that was just her face... the rest of her looked no better: a sling for her arm, bandages covering every exposed piece of skin and of course the burned pieces of flesh that seemed to only have been treated a while ago.
"You didn't have to stop by." She mumbled, fishing around a cupboard for a glass to fill up on water. "It wasn't as bad as I assume the media made it sound like."
"You're covered in cuts, burns, and bruises... I don't think the news overplayed it at all for once." He breathed out shallowly.
"I'm a hero." She mumbled back, a certain venom in her voice. "This is what we do... we put our lives at risk to save the innocent."
"And I'm what the media dubs a villain..." He wasted no time snapping back a counter-argument. "And no matter how evil the media paints me... I do have people I want to protect and save from the world. And it's ironic that one of those people has become you."
He heard her gasp softly, the glass in her hands slipping for a moment before she grabbed onto it again. Her eyes wide and her mouth twitching at his word. Dabi sighed, running a hand through his night black locks.
"What are you saying... and don't you dare play around with me this time!" She demanded, harshly slamming the glass of water down onto the table where he sat.
"I thought I had made it clear from the fact that I don't want to murder your goody-goody face... and that you've gotten me... the infamous Dabi of the League of Villains to drop his 'evil' plans for the night to make sure you came home safe..."
"I said to just spit it out, Dabi!" She breathed out, voice soft and low, but serious and stern. She was expecting an answer... and she would get it.
"I guess you could say we're star-crossed if this was a Shakespearean play..." He chuckled dryly. "Because I've more than fallen for you, hero."
She was silent, her form twitching and unable to stay still from such a declaration... and yet... he didn't feel like he was even close to being finished yet. Something in him just breaking once those words had left his lips. Like he himself had come to fully realize and accept how messed up and terrible this situation was for the two of them.
A villain being in love with a hero...what could be worse for the two of them.
"I just... I can't understand why I even care at times!" He raised his voice slightly. "I should hate you! Despise you and all you stand for... parts of you don't even follow Stain's teaching... and yet to me... you are more than anyone else a true and proper hero.
And it's not just because I've been able to know you personally... but because I've been watching you. I know how you fight, I know how you think and I can't help but be damn impressed by you.
Yet... I hate it everytime you leave to go out there and fight. Maybe because I know the kind of scum you could run into! Hell, I was drinking with some of them earlier today... and it bothers me.
It bothers me to know that if you help me... you'll lose your dream and worse. IT bothers me to think if I help you... I'll for sure be killed without a second thought. So why the hell did it have to be you? And why can't I just forget about you-"
"Shut the hell up!" She yelled, suddenly interrupting his little confession.
Dabi looked up at his hero, her eyes of (eye color) looking at him with an array of many emotions: hatred, love, confusion, sincerity, fondness, anger, and more. He sighed, as he felt her inch closer to him.
"Shut up and just let it be us right now..." She begged him, nipping at his neck. "No one knows right now... it's just us right now."
He smirked, pulling her towards him. "So you don't give a shit... do you?"
"No." She looked at him in his cerulean blue eyes. "I give more of a shit about you than anyone else in my damn life..."
"That's not very heroic of you..."
"I'm not a hero right now... and you're not a villain. I'm (Name) and you're Dabi... so please just for tonight and however long this damn charade goes on for... let's just be that, okay?"
He nodded slowly, capturing her lips into his and easing them both into the kiss slowly but surely. He grew rougher the more she allowed his lips to stay on hers. The words she had spoken speaking to him greatly.
"Whatever you say, hero... hopefully, this will all pass soon..."

My Hero Academia Imagines
Fanfic~A Collection of Requested BNHA Imagines~ REQUESTS ARE: CURRENTLY CLOSED! Take care of Bakugou when he gets his wisdom teeth out, Kick Endeavor in the balls while defending Shouto, have class 1-A throw you a surprise party, adopt a cat with Todoroki...