Accidental Confession (Kirishima Eijiro)

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Kirishima Eijiro:

"You did what?!" Kirishima hollered and rubbed his hands through his spiked locks, thus ruining the 30 minutes he had spent doing it this morning.

"It fucking happened to pop up in the conversation, so I told them. What's the big fucking deal?" Bakugou snapped back, already pestered that Kirishima was bothered by his 'helpful' actions.

"BRO?! You told the person I'm crushing on that I 'fucking have the hots for them?' Word choice aside, that's not cool! Not cool at all!"

"HUH?" Bakugou rolled up a study exam and smacked Kirishima on the top of his already messed up hair. "I did you and your shitty ass a favor! If you were the man you keep saying you are, you would have told them already!"

"Awe! I'm so screwed!" The redhead yelled and slammed his head down on the table of the cafe the two had been sitting in and attempting to study in.

"Well I did my job in more ways the one today, so fucking finish the rest of the problems on your own. Later loser." Bakugou slammed his money down on the table and walked out.

Kirishima sighed and started collecting his own papers and notes before leaving his share of the bill on the table and walking out. Man... could today get any worse?

Midterms were getting closer and now he had the added problem of the cute genius from the Support class knowing that he liked them.

He sulked down the residential area where he lived, hoping that when he woke up tomorrow it would all turn out to be some terrible dream and that his secret was still a secret.

"Kirishima-san!" A bubbly voice called out from behind him and he felt his cheeks redden when he recognized the voice.

"(N-Name)-san?" He stuttered a bit and watched as the shorter student of UA came running forward and stopped in front of him. They placed their hands on their knees and attempted to catch their breath.

'D-did they run all the way here?' He thought as he watched his crush finally feel better and pull out their own school bag and start to rummage through it.

"H-how did you know I lived over here?" He asked as they continued searching for whatever they were looking for.

"UA lists the address on your quirk information sheets that the Support Class gets to work off of... so I may have copied it..." They mumbled and puffed their cheeks out. "I-I swear I'm not a stalker though!"

Kirishima laughed a bit at their statement and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "N-no worries, I trust that wouldn't give it out willy nilly..."

"Here!" They cried suddenly and held out a letter with hearts on it towards him. Their face was covered in a deep red blush and their eyes were closed shut in embarrassment.

"I-is this for me?" Kirishima questioned it, as he knew this was a love letter. He had seen enough anime to know that this was a confession... a confession to him!

"Y-yes! I've been wanting to give you this since the first time you came in asking for upgrades to your hero outfit... but I was too scared to do so... or at least until your friend told me this afternoon."

"S-seriously! You like me back? And you're giving me this incredibly cute letter to show it? Ah!" He beamed and eagerly took the handwritten note from you. They looked back up at him and smiled when they saw the smile that was enveloping his own face.

"Y-yeah... sorry it's pretty fluffy..."

"No way! As a man, it's my job to accept and love all things cute! And that includes you!" He smiled and punched his fists together in his manly pose.

"Of course!" They smiled and then turned around. "W-Well I should g-get going! B-bye Kirishima-san!"

"W-wait (Name)-san!"

They turned around and looked at them, curiosity in their eyes. "Y-yes?"

"L-let's go see a movie sometime! My treat!"

They nodded and gave him a thumbs up. "Sounds like fun! I'm free whenever!"

Kirishima watched as their figure retreated and he smiled to himself. Okay... maybe if this was a dream he wanted to continue having it for a bit longer.

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