Split Second Decision (Bakugou Katsuki)

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Bakugou Katsuki:

The smoke was clearing slowly, his eyes scanning for where you had just remained a moment ago. Hues as red as the blood flowing from his clenched hands trying to find the figure that he had arrived at the scene with. His lips holding various gashes, flavoring his mouth with a metallic taste.

But despite the various injuries that littered his body, the amount of blood that was still dripping out and how badly he wanted to just collapse into the broken pavement, he forced himself to continue. Bakugou was on a mission after all... not the one he had come here to originally do, but one that he had promised long ago to stick to and make sure it always stayed.

Your safety, your life, your smile were the only things that at times propelled him to keep going, and at this moment that was how he was able to push himself past the pain that was taking over his form. His feet walking on both literally and figurative glass as he passes by tipped over cars, broken buildings, and the sight of more grotesque sights from the villain fight.

He couldn't recall when or how it had turned so bad... but he did know when he had made his mistake. The villain had been on the run, and like a fool, he decided it wasn't in his own interests to let the asshole get away. And thus with your voice screaming at him to come back, he had bolted.

His arms throbbing but having enough juice, or in his case, sweat left in them to fire off one final blast that would take this criminal down. The battle would be over, and his destruction quirk would be contained. Bakugou's mind was only set on victory at this moment, something that never helped him in times of panic.

And this time was no exception, as the villain had turned around, aiming a blast toward the hero. Bakugou braced for impact, knowing he was much too close at this moment to do anything but bare it. His quirk was strong... enough to take down a building or two. This one would hurt... it would hurt a lot.

However, instead of being hit head-on, he was instead struck from the side. His body falling to the dirt with a simple and unexpected push. And when his eye od crimson glanced up to see what exactly happened, he was met by the image of (Name)'s body bursting with light as her body was sent flying backward.

His voice went hoarse as he screamed in agony, watching you collapse from the attack. One that was meant for him, traded out for yours in a quick exchange of his life for yours. And now, as he remained motionless... the rest of the battle carried on.

He was only able to move again when the villain was in cuffs, Bakugou's sense of the world and reality coming back to him. And as he continued to wander around the remains of the battlefield, his heart ached with every breath.

You had to be here somewhere... you were not thrown that far. You had to-

His eye widened as he saw the figure of someone curling into themselves laying on the ground, a shielding quirk being the only thing keeping you from getting crushed by the falling rubble above you. His feet thundering against the ground as the ash blonde fell to his knees, grabbing you into his arms and holding you close to him.

His words were lost on you, your body being in so much pain that your mind was being to run. And while you knew it was your Bakugou who had found you, you couldn't see his face. The only indicator of him was his familiar palms holding you and the gruff but familiar tones of his voice.

You began to relax against him as he rushed to find you help. And with the arrival of ambulances and medical support, Bakugou could only hope it wasn't too late for you. You may be an idiot for taking the hit for him. You may be stupid for forgetting about your force field quirk at that moment. You maybe be the dumbest hero he had ever met in his life.

But you were still his (Name). His calm ocean breeze when he needed some peace and serenity. His familiar comfort when even he was feeling nothing but raw emotional pain. He couldn't lose you over this... he refused to let this day be the day that the two of you parted with a tearful goodbye.

The paramedics were eager to take you, seeing as your injuries would quickly become fatal if you were not treated soon. Bakugou was less than willing to let you slip out of his arms so easily... but then again... he knew you needed the help.

Your eyes found his, consciousness barely holding onto you as the paramedics began to give you the medical support you desperately needed. Your ash blonde hero being held by and told he wasn't allowed inside the ambulance. His face angered at this, no doubt wanting to be by your side when you were so weak.

His ruby hues caught onto movement from you, the voices of those around him lost as he watched you with that look of undivided attention and worry that was so strange on his handsome features. But you wanted him to receive your message after all.

He watched as you slowly managed to raise a hand towards him, the breathing mask on your face covering up the smile underneath it. And with a pained shutting of your eyes, you let Bakugou see that you were not worried in the slightest. Your thumb was raised and showed to him with a sense of hope.

He could only nod towards you as the doors to the ambulance closed, the paramedics inside saying that he'd have to find his own way to the hospital, as you needed their attention. And with another look at his own injuries, maybe he should go to the hospital... after all... if one of you was at risk of dying, then the other might as well make sure they were not as well.

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