Body Positive (Kirishima Eijiro)

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Kirishima Eijiro:

The knock came suddenly, making you stop the set of sit ups you had been doing. You caught your breath and paced forward to the door and unlocking it.

On the other side stood Kirishima, his face smiling brightly and his arm holding up a plastic baggy full of snacks and goodies inside: some of which being your favorites.

On any other day you would have been excited to see these items in your loving boyfriend's possession, but today or rather of late... it really discouraged you, making your mouth line into a frown and your body slump ever so slightly.

"Fat recommended some shops and I stopped on my way back! Want some?" He asked, holding the bag out to you.

You held out your hand, shying away from the goody bag, this action confirming what Kirishima had been concerned about. He had noticed the portion sizes lowering and the exercise increasing, and it worried him a bit.

"No thanks Eiji... I'm not hungry." You mumbled, looking away from his gaze.

"You sure? I know these pocky are your favorite flavor..." He lifted up the box, and shook it, the contents inside hitting the box.

"No really, I need to get back to my exercises." You spoke, shaking your hands.

Kirishima frowned and sighed. You froze and watched as he let the bag drift down to his legs and he ran a hand through his falling red locks.

"I know you're not eating."

Your eyes shot open and you bit your lip. How could you be so stupid... of course he noticed. This was Kirishima after all! He was always keen on everyone around him and how they were feeling!

"I- umm... I just!" You broke out into tears, the weight of the past few days finally wearing down on you. God you hated how you looked, you hated even more that people pointed it out and confirmed this terrible self loathing.

"You don't have to do anything to impress me y'know." He told you, pulling you into his embrace.

"You're just too perfect though Eiji... and there are so many people who comment on how good looking you are and and how you deserve someone who looks good with you. A-And I'm just sick of feeling like I'm not attractive and no matter how much I try I'll never be!"

"You do look good though. You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen!" He told you, his hand brushing your hair, his touch soft and comforting as the tears formed in your eyes.


"No buts! I think you're beautiful! And I know that it might not be enough, but a lot of people think you're amazing too! I-I know insecurity is a terrible thing and you'll never feel good enough... but I also know hearing what you need to hear from someone you're very close to can help as well."

"What do you mean?"

"I struggle with my self esteem a lot."

"No way! You're so wonderful and heroic!"

"See!" Kirishima chuckled. "You think the world of me, but it's hard for me to accept. Not cause I don't want to, but because I can't see myself as being amazing! But I also know you wouldn't lie to me. So please believe me when I say you're stunning."

"I-I'll try." You shook your head, tears welling a bit from his kind words.

"I know when you look at yourself all you see is a body you hate and want to change... but I see you. I see the most wonderful, kind, smart, funny and sweet girl who I'm lucky to call mine.

The people who matter will see your beauty and the people who don't are ugly inside. I know it's stupid to say... but trust me."

"I do Eiji... I love you... thank you."

"I love you too... and don't thank you. I didn't do anything but tell you the truth."

"I feel so stupid..."

"Don't. We all do things because we feel pressure to do them. Just know I'm here for you! And if you're serious about working out and losing weight, then I'll work out with you! We can motivate each other! How does that sound (Name)?"

"Really good... though I'm more hungry than anything right now..."

"Then how about we eat these snacks and watch a movie right now?"

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

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