Day 1: Petty Arguments

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It was a normal day at the MSBY gym: Sakusa and Atsumu were bickering, Bokuto and Hinata were being noisy as per usual, Inunaki was talking to Adriah, and Meian was questioning his life choices.

Meian rubbed his temples in frustration while he listened to Atsumu and Sakusa argue about who's serve was the most accurate.

It was the end of training and the two of them had barely been doing anything other than bickering.

"Will you two just stop fighting?!" Meian's voice boomed throughout the gym, "Jeez, can't we just have one training session without the two of you trying to claw each other's throats out??" He asked, more to himself than anyone else.

"Sorry Meian, but Miya doesn't seem to realize that I have the better serve," Sakusa replied pointedly.

"Hey, hey, hey, guys! Come on! Don't fight, we're all friends here!" Bokuto said encouragingly with a bright smile as he moved closer to the pair.

Atsumu scoffed, "Oh, fuck off, Bokkun," he hissed, causing Bokuto to take a step back, "Omi-kun, y'know my serve has a whole lotta more power an' accuracy than yers!" He countered.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that??" Sakusa asked in irritance.

Atsumu snickered, "I've been callin' that since high school, Omi, so why the sudden problem with it?" He asked lowly.

"Oh, fuck you, Miya," Sakusa said, immediately regretting his choice of words as Atsumu smirked.

"Yeah, no- I'm gonna hafta decline, Omi-kun," he replied as he grinned.

"You know what I meant, Miya," Sakusa said lowly.

Atsumu rolled his eyes, "Do I?" He asked rhetorically.

Sakusa scoffed, "Now I get why no one likes you, you think you're the 'oh-so perfect setter'," he said, emphasizing his words with air quotes, "But really, I bet any other setter could just walk in through that door and do the exact same thing you do!" He shouted spitefully, "This team would probably be better off if Kageyama was our setter," he declared.

Everyone froze in place as all the noise in the gym stilled and went completely silent.

Atsumu's eyes widened, and he took a shocked step backwards.

Bokuto's jaw dropped and Hinata's eyes were as big as saucers.

Even Adriah and Inunaki, who were ignoring the whole thing, turned to look at them in shock.

Atsumu was completely silent as the rage built within him and bubbled through his veins, flowing throughout his body.

He was practically radiating anger.

Sakusa had crossed a major red line, not only had he insulted Atsumu's skills as a setter but he'd basically also told him that he'd prefer a different setter all together.

He knew that these statements were false, but his pride wouldn't let him apologize.

He couldn't apologize, he wouldn't apologize, it would absolutely destroy his dignity.

So even if he regretted his words, Sakusa wouldn't take them back, "What's wrong, Miya? Why so quiet all of a sudden?" He pressed.

Sakusa's heart burned, this wasn't right, Atsumu was the best setter they could ever ask for, but he just couldn't admit that.

He tried to stop himself from saying any more but he failed, "You know I'm right, don't you?"

Atsumu's eyes drifted to the ground, he clenched his fists tightly, and he bit his lip so hard that he thought he might accidentally draw blood.

Sakusa watched with furrowed brows as Atsumu silently strode over to a volleyball that was just lying on the court.

Without a word, Atsumu counted his steps, one to six, before he tossed the ball up and slammed it down on the other side of the court so hard that it ricocheted right up into the stands before it bounced back down onto the court.

Atsumu looked down at the redden skin on the palm of his hand, tingling with a low sting.

He gritted his teeth as he turned to Sakusa, "No one's fuckin' perfect, Sakusa," he said in a dangerously low tone, not making eye contact.

The way Atsumu said that sent shivers down Sakusa's spine, his words dripped with venom but they had a slight shake to them, which gave Sakusa the feeling that his words hurt Atsumu more than he let on.

With that, Atsumu stalked off towards the locker room while the others just watched him silently.

Hinata was the first to move.

He walked over to the volleyball that Atsumu had served and picked it up, "Uhm... Saku-san, I think Tsumu-san's serve might be more powerful..." He said softly, though his voice echoed in the silent gym.

Sakusa didn't even acknowledge Hinata's statement, his gaze was trained on the ground as he gritted his teeth.

Never had Sakusa and Atsumu ever had such a serious argument before, at least not to the point where one of them stormed out.

It was usually just bickering and teasing each other about their skills, but something had clearly snapped in the both of them that made the small argument blow up into a much bigger fight.

"Well... Training's over for the day everyone, feel free to go home," Meian said awkwardly.

The team nodded in unison before they made their way to the locker rooms.

As they expected, Atsumu was already there, though he was radiating so much anger that they just gave him a lot of space to do his thing.

They all saw what he did to that volleyball and honestly, now of them wanted to be smacked across the face with the same amount of power and intensity.

Atsumu stalked out of the locker rooms a few minutes later and headed to the MSBY apartment building where the team lived together.

The team didn't bother Atsumu for the rest of the day, especially Sakusa, they all figured that he needed some space.

Meian had told Sakusa that he needed to apologize, but from the answer he got from the spiker, which was none at all, he was quite sure that it wasn't going to happen.

Were they really going to end this season like this?

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Starting with a bang this time around😃

Anygays! Bye!

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