Day 18: Uninvited

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"Hey, hey, hey, everyone!" Bokuto shouted while smiling brightly into the camera, "Today we are going to be answering some of our most-asked questions!" He explained excitedly.

Once again, it was the four Monster Generation players of the Black Jackals recording a video for Bokuto's YouTube channel.

They were sitting in the backyard on the porch. Hinata was sitting with his legs crossed and a laptop placed on his lap. Bokuto was sitting on the end next to Hinata on his left.

Atsumu was sitting next to Hinata on his right with his legs curled up beneath him, and Sakusa was sitting on the end next Atsumu.

Sakusa was sitting with his feet hanging off the porch on the grass. He was leaning back on his hands, his left hand placed behind Atsumu.

Hinata looked down at the laptop to read the first question while the others peaked over his shoulder, "It looks like the first question is, 'Are Sakusa and Atsumu dating?'," he read out loud.

All four of them instantly cringed and Atsumu spoke up, "No, Sakusa an' I aren't datin'," he said, "We're friends."

Sakusa bit his lip and tried not to look disappointed, which was easy since he was wearing a mask.

"Alright, moving on," Hinata continued, "Question two, 'Do you think that MSBY can rank first in the V-League this season?'," he read.

Bokuto snorted, "Of course, we can," he said confidently while Hinata nodded in agreement.

Atsumu giggled softly and smiled, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

Sakusa noticed that Atsumu wasn't his usual cheerful self, and furrowed his eyebrows.

He waited until a few more questions were answered before he made a decision.

"Hey, Miya, can I talk to you inside quickly?" He asked out of the blue, sitting up straight and looking Atsumu in the eye.

Atsumu jolted, obviously having not expected that question.

He turned to Sakusa in confusion, "We're recordin', though?"

Sakusa clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes. Bokuto and Hinata had looked over by now, concerned expressions on their faces.

Sakusa subtly placed his hand on Atsumu's knee and leaned closer, "You're not okay, Miya... I can tell," he whispered, just loud enough for Atsumu to hear.

Atsumu's eyes widened for a split second before he looked away and nodded, "Alright..." He said before he got up.

Sakusa got up as well and they walked into the building.

Once they stepped through the sliding door, Sakusa grabbed Atsumu's wrist and dragged him up the stairs to his room.

Sakusa closed the door before turning back to Atsumu.

"Spill it, Miya," he said, and Atsumu tensed.

After a few seconds, Atsumu sighed and took his phone out of his pocket. He opened it and clicked a few things before handing it to Sakusa and sitting down on the bed with a defeated exhale.

Sakusa raised an eyebrow at Atsumu, but the setter merely gestured for Sakusa to look at his phone.

Sakusa looked down at Atsumu's phone and realized that his messaging app was on screen, and it was open to Osamu's contact.

Sakusa furrowed his brows as he started reading.


Yo scrub!
When's your train getting to Hyogo?

What are you on about?
Why would I be taking a train to Hyogo?

For fuck sakes, Tsumu
Don't tell me you forgot?

Forgot what?

The junior high reunion
The one that our old teammates planned and invited us to? 😃

Oh right!
I'm not going

You're kidding

I have to practice

Isn't today your day off?

Yeah so?
I still gotta practice

You're such a workaholic

Whatever just go enjoy yourself

See ya dumbass


Sakusa looked up at Atsumu and frowned, "If you're upset about not going to this reunion thing then you've only got yourself to blame for skipping it," he said blankly.

Atsumu shook his head. He had his elbows propped on his knees and his head hanging in what seemed like defeat. It gave Sakusa a bad feeling.

After a moment of silence, Atsumu lifted his head and tilted backwards until he back onto the bed, "That's jus' the thing, Omi... I wasn't invited..." He said sadly, his voice cracking.

Atsumu lifted his arms up to cover his eyes with his forearms and hide the tears that streaked down sideways into his hairline.

Sakusa's eyes widened and he immediately put down the phone to sit down next to Atsumu on the bed.

"It's always been like this, Omi..." Atsumu said suddenly, "I was never invited to anythin' back in junior high, only Samu..." Atsumu's hands curled into fists, "I jus' said that I wasn't goin' 'cause I know Samu wouldn't go if I wasn't also invited, an' I... I jus' couldn't take that from him... He deserves to be happy, an' I don't wanna keep that from him... What kinda brother would I be if I did?"

Atsumu's voice cracked, and Sakusa froze.

"It hurts, Omi... It hurts a lot," Atsumu said before he rolled onto his side, facing away from Sakusa, and curled his legs into the fetal position, "It sucks to know that even by bein' yerself, no one'll ever love ya for it..."

Sakusa's mouth went dry at Atsumu's confession. He honestly didn't know what to say that would potentially comfort Atsumu in this situation, so he didn't say anything. Instead, he just sat back against the wall and pulled Atsumu towards himself.

Sakusa let Atsumu cry silently into his chest while he ran his fingers through the setter's soft blonde hair.

Sakusa let his eyes close, and he listened to Atsumu's soft sniffing. "I'm here for you, Miya..." He said, breaking the silence, "Those people don't deserve you in their lives," he assured, "I don't think I've met anyone like you before... You give too much, to the point where you hurt yourself in the process... They don't deserve that, so don't waste your tears on them."

Sakusa felt Atsumu relax a bit in his hold, "Alright, Omi..." Came, soft as a whisper, from Atsumu.

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In my feels 😔✊

Anygays, bye!

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