Day 15: Concussions

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Sakusa looked down at the panting setter below him.

Atsumu looked wrecked, his hair was a mess, his eyes were hooded and teary, his mouth was parted slightly, his lips were red and swollen, and his face was completely flushed with a red blush. Sakusa loved it.

Sakusa's gaze drifted down to Atsumu's neck, which was already littered with hickies and bite marks.

Sakusa pinned Atsumu's wrists above his head with one hand while he leaned down to mark Atsumu's body even more.

"O-Omi..." Atsumu whimpered when Sakusa gripped his waist where it was narrowest and brought him closer.

Sakusa grinned against his skin and moved down to press his lips against Atsumu's-


Sakusa's eyes shot open, the gym's lights flooding his sensors.

Atsumu's face came into view, he looked completely worried, "Thank goodness... Omi, are ya okay??" He asked quickly.

With Atsumu's help, Sakusa sat up slowly, bringing a hand to his forehead where there was a burning pain.

Sakusa nodded slowly, "I think so... What happened?" He asked.

Atsumu sighed, "Ya got hit by the ball, c'mon, I'll get ya to the infirmary," he said.

Atsumu looked over at Meian and the captain nodded.

Atsumu wrapped an arm around Sakusa's back and put Sakusa's arm over his shoulder.

A wave of dizziness washed over Sakusa while Atsumu helped him walked to the infirmary.

Atsumu sat Sakusa down on one of the beds and grabbed an ice pack from one of the cupboards.

Atsumu placed the ice pack on Sakusa's forehead, "Omi? Are ya okay?"

Sakusa definitely hit his head hard, he could have sworn Atsumu said 'baby' instead of 'Omi'.

Sakusa blinked back stars and nodded, "Yeah... Just...really dizzy," he answered.

"Ya seemed really distracted... What were ya even thinkin' 'bout?" Atsumu asked, sitting down next to Sakusa.

Sakusa blinked, what was he thinking of?

Oh, now he remembered...

It was the end of training, they were doing their practice match, and the teams were Atsumu, Bokuto, Meian and Inunaki against Sakusa, Hinata, Barnes and Adriah.

It was Atsumu's turn to serve, and Sakusa had gotten so caught up with watching him that he forgot that he was supposed to receive the ball and it had slammed into his face, and the next thing he knew was waking up under the blaring gym lights.

"I can't remember," Sakusa lied.

Atsumu frowned and moved so that he was crouching in front of Sakusa.

Atsumu waved his finger in front of Sakusa's face and noticed that his eyes were struggling to follow his movements.

Atsumu sighed and rested his hands on Sakusa's knees to lean forward to look into Sakusa's eyes to see that they were cloudy and unfocused.

"I'm gonna ask ya a few questions, Omi, please answer 'em as best ya can, okay?" Atsumu said, seemingly worried.

Sakusa furrowed his eyebrows but nodded nonetheless.

"D'ya know what day it is?" Atsumu asked.

"Monday," Sakusa replied.

"What's yer cousin's name?" Atsumu asked.

"Komori Motoya," Sakusa answered.

"What team d'ya play for?" Atsumu asked.

"MSBY Black Jackals," Sakusa answered.

"What high school did ya go to?" Atsumu asked.

"Itachiyama Institute," Sakusa answered.

Atsumu breathed a sigh of relief, "I think ya've got a minor concussion..." He said, his eyebrows furrowed apologetically.

Sakusa's eyes widened, but he sighed, he couldn't deny that he could barely sit up straight, "What... What happened after I was hit?" He asked slowly.

Atsumu exhaled lightly, "Ya fell to the ground an' ya were out like a light for 'bout thirty seconds," he answered, "I nearly called the ambulance...ya had me worried for a bit."

Sakusa couldn't fight the urge to smile at Atsumu's concern about him, "You were worried about me?" Sakusa teased.

Atsumu scoffed, "Of course I was worried! Yer my best spiker, Omi, an' yer my friend!" He answered, sounding offended.

Sakusa clenched his jaw, of course Atsumu only saw him as a friend and teammate.

After about ten minutes of the two of them talking and Atsumu periodically asking Sakusa general questions about his life to make sure that he had no memory loss, Meian walked into the infirmary and gestured for Atsumu to come with him.

Atsumu followed Meian into the hallway, just out of earshot of Sakusa, "How's he doing?" Meian asked.

Atsumu hummed, "He's bit dizzy, his memory seems fine, he's havin' trouble focusin' on movin' objects though, but other than that, he's okay," he informed, "I think it's jus' a minor concussion."

Meian nodded, "Did you give him anything?"

Atsumu shook his head, "Jus' an ice pack to put on his forehead," he answered.

Meian sighed, "Okay, I'm sure you already know, but make sure he gets something to eat, and, Atsumu, if he falls asleep, make sure he wakes up every few hours," he said firmly.

Atsumu nodded, "I know, Cap, I'll watch him, an' make sure he gets everythin' he needs an' I'll wake him up him every two hours," he assured.

Meian chuckled lightly and rested his hand on Atsumu's head, "Thanks, Atsumu," he said before he walked away.

Atsumu smiled lightly while he watched Meian leave before he made his way back to Sakusa.

Sakusa looked up at Atsumu, who was grinning and holding out his hand to help Sakusa stand, "C'mon, Omi, let's get ya somethin' to eat," he suggested.

They walked out of the infirmary side-by-side, and even though Sakusa was a bit more stable on his feet now, Atsumu was still watching him carefully.

They went to the locker rooms and showered before they grabbed their things and walked back to the MSBY building.

Once there, Atsumu made something for them to eat.

"Guess what, Omi-kun!" Atsumu said while Sakusa watched him finish up with the dishes.

"What?" Sakusa asked.

Atsumu leaned back against the sink and grinned mischievously, "'Cause of yer concussion, yer gonna hafta deal with me annoyin' the hell outta ya all day an' night," he announced.

Sakusa's eyes widened, "What?"

Atsumu chuckled and took a few steps forward to lean across the counter towards Sakusa, "We're hangin' out for the rest of day, Omi-kun," he said before he gently poked Sakusa's forehead with his index finger, "Jus' 'til that fuzzy head of yers clears up."

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Lol Sakusa what were you dreaming?

Anygays, bye!

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