Day 22: Part 2

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Sakusa hadn't realised he was crying until he felt soft fingers wiping away the tears.

He looked up at Atsumu, who was looking at him with a sad smile on his face.

Atsumu drew his hand back and patted the bed next to him. Sakusa nodded and stood up to plant himself on the bed next to Atsumu.

Sakusa crossed his legs, facing Atsumu who had his knees pulled up to his chest.

Atsumu looked down at the bedsheets before he began to speak, "I'm assumin' that Osamu told ya that ya were my first?" He asked.

Sakusa nodded, not wanting to deter Atsumu from continuing.

Atsumu sighed, "Well, if I'm bein' honest, I wasn't at all upset that ya were my first... Actually, I'm glad..." Atsumu had a shy smile on his face and his cheeks were flushed with bright red blush, "I've been in love with ya since high school," he admitted, "Since trainin' camp in first year..."

Sakusa's eyes widened, but he stayed quiet.

"I was always intimidated by ya... There was jus' somethin' 'bout the way ya talked to me an' treated me, an' the way ya always knew exactly what ya wanted... Ya had me whipped from our first conversation," Atsumu admitted, "Samu's always been overly protective of me... For that reason, I've never been in a relationship... So ya can probably tell why I reacted the way I did when ya...said what ya said," he finished, tears slipping from his closed eyes, "I was scared... Ya were my first an' only love, Omi, an' when ya said that it meant nothin' to ya..."

Atsumu's voice trailed off, his words left unsaid, but Sakusa understood exactly what he meant. Sakusa was stunned, frozen with the revelation of the setter's feelings towards him.

Sakusa reached forwards, and this time, Atsumu didn't pull away. Instead, he leaned into Sakusa's touch and allowed himself to be pulled into Sakusa's lap and into his arms.

Sakusa held Atsumu close to his chest, reveling at how Atsumu seemed to fit perfectly in his arms.

Atsumu buried his head in Sakusa's chest as Sakusa gently ran a hand through his messy blonde hair before softly placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"How about we start over again...?" Sakusa asked hopefully, "This time as lovers, though?"

Sakusa was flooded with nerves when Atsumu tensed, but he smiled to himself when Atsumu relaxed and snuggled further into his hold.

"I'd like that, Omi," Atsumu said with a small smile.

Sakusa let out the breath that he didn't realise he was holding, and he grinned, "And, Atsu, just so you know, Friday night meant everything to me."

Atsumu blushed heavily and looked up at Sakusa, pouting, while the spiker smiled down at his now-boyfriend.

Atsumu let out a small giggle before he pulled away enough to shift his position so that he was sitting properly on Sakusa's lap, with his legs wrapped around Sakusa's waist and his arms around his neck, "It was everythin' for me too, Omi."

Without hesitation, Atsumu connected their lips in a gentle, loving kiss that wasn't rushed or heated in any way.

When they finally pulled away, Sakusa's eyes widened, "Oh, wait! I almost forgot... I brought a few things for you."

Sakusa patted Atsumu's lower back as a signal for Atsumu to get off him, to which the setter complied with a curious expression on his face while he watched Sakusa get up and walk towards the door.

Atsumu's jaw dropped when Sakusa picked up the backpack and the bouquet of sunflowers from where he'd placed them next to the door.

He then walked back over to the bed and reclaimed his seat.

He held out the bouquet of sunflowers to Atsumu and smiled, "These are for you," he informed.

Atsumu smiled softly and chuckled, taking the flowers from Sakusa and admiring them, "My favorites..." He whispered.

Sakusa grinned, "Mhm, and I also got you this," he said, holding out a container of fatty tuna.

Atsumu's eyes lit up and he gently set the flowers aside before he reached over and grabbed the container, laughing as he looked at the pieces inside, "Thank ya, Omi."

Sakusa held up his hand, "Nope! Save your thanks until I'm done," he said while bringing out more things from the backpack.

Sakusa took out a fluffy white arctic fox plushie, and he could see Atsumu melt with cuteness once he handed it to him.

Atsumu hugged the plushie while Sakusa grabbed the next item. It was a book, and Atsumu's eyes widened when he saw the cover. It was the third book in Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series, The Mark of Athena.

"I couldn't find this one anywhere!" Atsumu exclaimed and Sakusa chuckled.

"I know... I saw it in the book store next to where I bought the sunflowers, so I grabbed it for you," Sakusa said with a small smile.

Atsumu bit his lip, "Omi, this is all too much..."

Sakusa shook his head, "Don't you dare even say that, Atsu," he warned, "You deserve all of it after what I said to you," he justified.

Atsumu huffed a short laugh, "I still think it's too much..."

Sakusa grinned, "Well, there's more so prepare yourself."

"More?" Atsumu asked in disbelief.

Sakusa chuckled, "I'm joking, only one more."

Atsumu breathed a sigh of relief before watching as Sakusa pulled out his last item and handed it to Atsumu.

The last item was a silver chain with a charm on the end. The charm was shaped like a volleyball.

Atsumu smiled before he launched himself into Sakusa's arms again, laughing while he wrapped his arms around Sakusa's neck and kissed him sweetly.

"Thank ya, Omi," he said, "I love 'em, an' ya," he added.

Sakusa smiled widely and held Atsumu tightly around his waist, not wanting to let go and potentially lose him again.

"I love you too, Atsumu," he whispered.

After a few minutes of the two of them just enjoying each other's presence, Atsumu spoke up, "Hey, Omi?"


"Apology accepted."

Sakusa smiled and hugged Atsumu even tighter than before, "Thank you..." He said before he grinned and grabbed the book from next to Atsumu, "Come on, it's been a while since you read to me last."

Atsumu pulled away, looking at the book and smiling. He took the book from Sakusa and shifted so that he was still sitting on Sakusa's lap, but his back was now against the spiker's chest.

Sakusa wrapped his arms around Atsumu's waist and hooked his chin on the setter's shoulder to see the book as Atsumu opened it and began to read aloud.

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Anygays! Bye!

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