Day 7: Alone Together

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It was Sunday, the designated day that the MSBY players went home to visit their respective families.

Meian and Barnes, the only two who didn't stay in the building considering that both of them were married, were at home for the day.

Inunaki and Adriah, who were dating, were going on a date.

The Adlers were still in Osaka, which meant that Hinata was going on a date with Kageyama, and Bokuto was spending the day with his fiancé, Akaashi.

Sakusa's parents were in Tokyo, which meant that he couldn't visit them, not that he wanted to, in fact he didn't feel like visiting them at all, so he was just going stay at the MSBY building and practice a bit in the gym.

Atsumu was also at the building for the day since Osamu was staying with his fiancé, Suna, in Nagano, and Atsumu couldn't really visit them.

So out of the whole of the MSBY team, Sakusa and Atsumu were the only ones at the building.

The others were reluctant to leave them alone together, but went on their way anyways.

Sakusa had walked down the stairs that morning to the smell of someone cooking breakfast.

His eyes widened when he saw the familiar blonde hair of Atsumu standing at the stove.

"Miya?" He called before he internally facepalmed at the realization that Atsumu was wearing headphones.

Sakusa moved up behind Atsumu and carefully removed the headphones, allowing him to hear the song that was playing, which was Wish You Were Here by Vicetone & William, and causing Atsumu to turn around quickly.

Atsumu's widened eyes immediately softened as he smiled, "Mornin', Omi-kun," he said cheerfully.

Sakusa flushed and sheepishly returned the smile, "Morning, Miya."

"Ya hungry?" Atsumu asked, not waiting for Sakusa's reply before he handed a plate of bacon and eggs to Sakusa.

Sakusa took the plate, "Uh, yeah, thanks," he replied.

Atsumu smiled and grabbed his own plate before sitting down at the island, which Sakusa followed and sat next to him.

"So what are your plans for the day?" Sakusa asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I was gonna go to the gym an' practice for a bit," Atsumu shrugged.

"Oh, what were you going to work on today?" Sakusa asked.

Atsumu shrugged, "Probably serves, but yer here now, so... Wanna practice some spikes?" He asked with a grin.

Sakusa chuckled softly, "Sounds good..."

They sat in silence for a bit before Atsumu said something, "I wanna try somethin'... A new combo, but it'll only work with ya, so what d'ya say, Omi-kun, wanna try it?" He asked, not looking up from his plate.

Sakusa narrowed his eyes, "Alright... So how does this combo go?"

He caught Atsumu smirking out of the corner of his eye, "I'll explain it later when we're on the court," he said dismissively.

Sakusa blinked and just shrugged it off as he continued eating.

Roughly an hour later, Sakusa and Atsumu were putting up the volleyball net in the gym.

"So are you going to explain yet?" Sakusa asked expectantly as Atsumu dragged the ball trolley onto the court.

Atsumu tossed him a ball and went to his place on the court, "Mhm, soon, jus' pass the ball so I can set it, jus' spike it like normal," he said vaguely.

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