Day 22: Part 1

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Sakusa took a deep breath and opened his car door.

He just finished a five-and-a-half hour drive from Osaka to Nagano, and was now parking outside of Suna Rintarou and Miya Osamu's house.

From the information gained from Komori, Suna, being the calmer between him and Osamu, had said that Atsumu was staying with them for a week or two.

It made Sakusa angry to know that Atsumu was only staying in Nagano as to not see him.

Sakusa ran a hand through his curly black hair, pushing his doubts aside as he got out of the car.

He grabbed the backpack from the passenger seat and the bouquet of fresh sunflowers before he got out and walked up to the door.

He took a deep breath before he knocked.

A muffled, "Comin'!" Sounded from behind the door, and a few minutes later, the door opened to the reveal the younger Miya twin.

No matter how many times Sakusa saw Osamu in photos he still couldn't get over how different the twins actually were.

Osamu was much broader, with more defined muscles than Atsumu, who was more slender in build, which Sakusa definitely liked about the blonde.

Not to mention that Osamu was a lot scarier than Atsumu, and added that Sakusa had broken the blonde's heart, albeit unintentionally, the younger twin was much scarier.

Osamu glared at Sakusa the moment he recognized him.

"What d'ya think yer doin' here, Sakusa?" He asked coldly.

Sakusa flinched but stayed strong, "I need to talk to your brother."

Osamu chuckled bitterly, "So now ya wanna talk?" He questioned, "An' what makes ya think that I would let ya anywhere near Tsumu after what ya did?"

Sakusa pursed his lips, "I just need to talk to him... I made a mistake-"

"Oh, yeah? Well, it seems that all ya do is make mistakes, huh, Sakusa?" Osamu countered harshly, "After all, if I recall, ya were the one who took my brother's first an' then told him right after that it meant nothin' to ya," he snapped.

Sakusa's eyes widened and he nearly dropped the flowers, "Atsumu was a..." He couldn't complete his sentence as a new feeling of guilt washed through him.

Sakusa panicked and stepped forward, "Please, Osamu, I need to speak to Atsumu," he begged, "I need to make things right with him."

Osamu's eyes widened slightly after seeing the pain in Sakusa's eyes and the urgency in his voice.

Osamu balled his fists and sighed bitterly, "Promise me ya won't hurt him again," he demanded.

Sakusa's eyes widened, "What...?"

"I said, promise me that ya won't hurt him again!" Osamu shouted.

Sakusa flinched but nodded defiantly, "If you let me make this right, you have my word," he promised.

Osamu sighed and reluctantly stepped aside, allowing Sakusa to finally enter the house, "Upstairs, down the passage, third door on yer left," he instructed.

Sakusa exhaled lightly, "Thank you," he turned to walk to the stairs before remembering something, "Oh, right, and this is for you."

Osamu looked up in confusion to see Sakusa holding out a package of onigiri and sighed, a bitter smile resting on his face.

"Tsumu cares a lot 'bout ya, Sakusa," he said randomly, "What ya say has a big affect of him, so please, don't break him again... I don't wanna see him like I did on Saturday ever again..."

That scared Sakusa, but he gulped and nodded.

Sakusa followed Osamu's instructions and quickly found himself in front of a closed door.

He took a deep breath and knocked.

"Go away, Samu!" Came a reply.

Sakusa bit his lip. It was no-doubt Atsumu's voice, but it was hoarse and broken from crying.

Sakusa gulped, "It's not Osamu."

There was silence from the other side of the door.


"Why're ya here?" Atsumu's voice was much harsher than before.

"We need to talk," Sakusa pleaded.

"We don't needa talk 'bout shit!"

"Atsumu! Please... Can we talk about this?"

Atsumu was quiet, but Sakusa heard the lock click. Sakusa bit his lip and opened the door.

He looked around the room as he closed the door behind himself, his eyes settling on Atsumu's curled up form facing away from him on the bed.

Sakusa frowned and moved closer to the bed, not getting too close, however.

"Speak," Atsumu said coldly.

"Can you at least look at me?" Sakusa asked.

Atsumu was quiet for a minute before he bagen to move, shifting until he was facing Sakusa.

Sakusa's heart broke at the sight. Atsumu's eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks were stained with tear-tracks, his hair was messy, his lips were red and raw from being bitten, his eyelashes were clumped together with tears, and his neck was covered in fading hickies and bite marks.

Sakusa kneeled down at the edge of the bed and reached a hand out to touch Atsumu's cheek, but the blonde flinched and backed away.

Sakusa felt a wave of sadness flow through his body, but he took a deep breath and began to explain.

"I don't expect you to want to see me right now, and I know I fucked up, horribly so, but I just need you to hear me out," Sakusa started, "I'm in love with you, Atsumu... I think I have been for a while, but I only realized recently. I tried to hide my feelings and pretend that they weren't there, but I just couldn't anymore... I thought-" Sakusa gulped, not realizing that he had begun to cry again, "I thought that you only saw me as a friend, and I thought you would hate me for what we did, so before I could think any better, I fucked everything up... And I know it's no excuse but I... I can't lose you, Atsumu. It hurts so much to see you like this, and I hate myself for doing this to you... I'm sorry I said those things... I'm sorry I was the one who was your first... I'll stop talking to you if you want me to, but please, just- just give me a chance... We can go back to how we were before all this happened... Please, Atsumu, I'll make it right again."

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Anygays! Bye!

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