Day 21: Screwed Up

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Sakusa knew he fucked up. There was no doubt about it.

He saw the way Atsumu's face looked when he ran from his room the morning before.

Tears streaming down his face, Atsumu looked broken, and Sakusa hated himself for it.

He hated that he'd decided to call what they did a mistake instead of talking about it with Atsumu.

He saw the look in Atsumu's eyes when he left. It was pure heartbreak, and he could see that he'd been mistaken about Atsumu's feelings towards him.

The truth was that Sakusa actually didn't find any of what they did a mistake.

He'd made himself out to be more drunk than he actually was, and his feelings managed to catch up with him before he could suppress them.

So instead of talking about it, he fucked all up thinking that Atsumu would hate him.

Sakusa had tried calling Atsumu, he'd tried texting Atsumu, hell, he'd even tried texting and phoning Osamu, part of him somehow already knowing that the younger twin knew what was going on.

It was clear that both twins had blocked him. There was no doubt about that.

So now, Sakusa was sitting in his room on the edge of his newly-made bed with fresh sheets, hunched over his knees with his head in his left hand and his cellphone clutched tightly in his right.

The dial tone sounded on his phone. He was calling the one other person who he felt he could trust with his feelings.

There were only two people who qualified as people Sakusa fully trusted, but he'd screwed up everything between himself and one of them.

That only left the other one, Komori Motoya.

Sakusa jolted as he heard the sound of Komori picking up the phone, "Hey, Kiyo-"

"I fucked up," Sakusa stated harshly.

Komori was silent for a minute, "Jeez, what happened to, 'Hello, Motoya, how are you doing on this fine Sunday afternoon?'," he said finally.

Sakusa gritted his teeth, "I have no time for your shit, Motoya," he countered, "I really fucked up, and I need your help," he said, his voice cracking reluctantly, "It's about Miya... I... I screwed up. Big time."

"Kiyo... Are you crying?" Komori asked in disbelief.

Sakusa bit his lip, "I... I really messed up, Toya... I hurt him, and I- I don't know what I can do about it," he said.

Komori inhaled sharply with the confirmation that his usually stoic cousin was, in fact, crying, "Tell me everything," he directed.

Sakusa gulped, "I'm sure you've seen those theories about Miya and I dating, right?"

"Yes...?" Komori confirmed.

"Well, we aren't dating, but... I do have feelings for him," Sakusa admitted, "And, on Friday night, we left the party... We were drunk, and we had sex..."

Komori was quiet, waiting for Sakusa to continue even while he was trying not to scream in shock.

"I thought he would hate me for it, so I did something stupid," Sakusa continued, "I told him it was a mistake... I- I told him it meant nothing... And now he's blocked me, and I can't get ahold of him nor Osamu..."

Komori remained silent. He wasn't sure what to say. He'd never seen Sakusa cry before, and it scared him.

Komori wasn't really all that surprised by Sakusa's feelings towards Atsumu. He'd noticed when watching MSBY play matches that Atsumu and Sakusa were much closer than before.

However, hearing Sakusa in this state, Komori couldn't leave him like that, "Alright, Kiyo... You fucked up. That's obvious," he started, "But if I know Tsumu, he'll forgive you," he assured, "Just like in high school, and every single other time you messed up with him."

Sakusa furrowed his eyebrows but continued to listen.

Komori continued, "Though, I have a feeling that you've properly screwed up this time..."

"Thanks, because that's really encouraging," Sakusa snapped.

"Shut up and listen to me," Komori countered before continuing without missing a beat, "If you really want Atsumu to forgive you, you need to prove to him that you do love him-"

"Love is a strong word, Motoya-" Sakusa tried to warn but was immediately cut iff by Komori.

"You need to prove to him that you didn't mean to tell him that your night together meant nothing," Komori finished.

Sakusa gritted his teeth, "But how do I do that when he won't answer my calls??" He snapped.

Komori sighed, "I'll find out from Suna if Atsumu's going to Nagano with them, which I think is most likely what's going to happen," he replied.

"And then what?" Sakusa asked, irritated.

"Then you go and apologize," Komori stated, as if it were obvious – which it was, "You're going to drive your ass to Nagano and say sorry."

Sakusa blinked before he sighed and chuckled bitterly, "Of course... Yeah."

"And get him flowers," Komori added, "I would tell you which ones, but you already know."

Sakusa smiled weakly, "Sunflowers," he confirmed, "His favourite."

"Mhm, and get him some fatty tuna too," Komori suggested, "And onigiri for Osamu as safe passage."

"Wait, what?" Sakusa asked.

"You hurt Atsumu and think you're going to get past Osamu without him knocking the shit out of you?" Komori asked rhetorically, "I'm sure Atsumu would try to hold him back, but who knows? After having his heart broken by you, he might just let Osamu knock a few teeth from your skull..."

"Alright, alright!" Sakusa caved, "Flowers and fatty tuna for Atsumu, and a lot of onigiri for Osamu."

Komori grinned, "There we go," he said, "And don't forget to visit me when you get to Nagano, yeah? Can't leave your favorite cousin hanging," he jeered.

Sakusa scoffed, "You're my only cousin, Motoya."

Komori laughed mischievously, "That just makes me favorite by default!"

Sakusa chuckled, "I'll come visit you after I fix things with Atsumu," he promised before he was silent for a minute, "Thank you for this, Toya."

Komori inhaled sharply before relaxing again, "No problem, Kiyo."

With that, Sakusa put down the phone and flopped backwards onto his bed.

Komori was right. If he wanted to make things right with Atsumu, he'd have to work for it.

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Boopity beep- Beepity boop- 🤪

Anygays! Bye!

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