Day 2: Trials And Tribulations

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Sakusa got up at around five that morning to take his daily jog, he also decided to go check on Atsumu, and maybe apologize for the day before.

Sakusa had just finished brushing his teeth and getting dressed when he went to knock on Atsumu's door.

Surprisingly, there was no answer, but Sakusa realized that the blonde was probably still sleeping and decided to just speak to him about it after his run.

Sakusa walked down the stairs to the main floor of the MSBY apartment building that housed the kitchen and living room.

He entered the kitchen and began making himself a quick breakfast of toast with butter when he heard the front door unlock.

His attention snapped towards the door, it was well before the sun rose and he'd originally thought that he was the only one awake.

Though, he was a bit surprised when his eyes settled on Miya Atsumu, who had just came in wearing work out clothing.

"Miya? You're up early," Sakusa stated openly.

Sakusa blinked as Atsumu didn't even make a motion to acknowledge that he heard Sakusa.

"Did you take a run?" Sakusa asked moving towards the door while the setter moved to the kitchen.

Atsumu once again didn't answer.

Great. Just great. Atsumu was ignoring Sakusa.

Okay, Sakusa had to admit, he deserved it, but did Atsumu really have to be so childish about it?

Sakusa set the thought aside as he left the building and started on his run.

Half an hour later, Sakusa arrived back at the building from his run.

They had training on Mondays and Wednesdays, with matches on Fridays, and it was currently a Tuesday, which meant no training.

Sakusa took a nice hot shower before making his way to Atsumu's room again, surely the blonde had to be there this time.

Sakusa knocked on the door, "Miya? You in there?"

At first, Sakusa heard silence, but then he heard light footsteps from the other side of the door.

Sakusa sighed, "Come on, Miya, I know you're in there," he stated blankly.

Once again, he was met with silence.

Sakusa sighed, "Can you stop being a little bitch for a second and just open the fucking door?" He asked harshly.

To Sakusa's surprise, the door swung open and he was met with a cold glare that sent shivers down his spine.

Atsumu leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed and a baleful glimmer in his usually warm honey-colored eyes, now without a single hint of their playful mischief.

Sakusa gulped, Atsumu was angry.

Atsumu didn't talk, he just glared at Sakusa expectantly.

Sakusa noticed that he had a sports bag slung over his shoulder and he was wearing what he usually wears at training.

"I, uh- I wanted check on you and apologize for yesterday... You seemed really upset this morning," Sakusa said, instantly cringing at the way one of Atsumu's eyebrows raised slightly.

Atsumu stared at him with a deadpan expression and a murderous look in his eyes, and Sakusa felt like Atsumu's eyes were boring holes through his skull.

Sakusa stood there waiting for Atsumu's reply, but was shocked when, instead of replying, Atsumu bit his bottom lip and let out a low chuckle.

Sakusa was put on edge by this, and he really didn't like the way that Atsumu's gaze was tilted to the ground, nor did he like the way that the cold glare didn't fade once, even as Atsumu closed his eyes to take a slow, deep breath.

Atsumu shook his head lightly before he pushed himself up from the door frame and took a step towards Sakusa.

Atsumu glared at him so scarily that Sakusa, a man who was almost never intimidated by anything, felt his skin crawl and wished that the floor would open up and swallow him hole, because if looks could kill, Sakusa may as well have been burning at the stake.

Atsumu pressed two of his fingers to Sakusa's chest and pushed him back slightly, "Yeah? Well, I think I have pretty good reason to be upset," he said lowly, putting emphasis on the word 'upset' to show Sakusa that he was much, much more than just plain old 'upset'.

With one last forceful shove to Sakusa's chest, Atsumu pushed past him and walked down the stairs.

Atsumu left the MSBY building and made his way towards the gym.

Atsumu entered the gym and immediately began setting up the net before he started practicing his serves.

He practiced so much that his hands began to sting from constantly serving the ball.

He didn't stop though, he needed this, he just needed to let out his frustrations on something that wasn't his teammate, even if Sakusa was an asshole.

Stupid Sakusa.

Stupid Sakusa Kiyoomi with his stupidly hot face, and his stupidly perfect hair, and his stupidly amazing body, and his stupidly incredible skills, and his stupidly flexible wrists.

Atsumu sighed and stared at the ball in his hands before delivering another monstrous serve onto the other side of the court.

Meanwhile, Sakusa was lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling of Bokuto's room while Bokuto himself was chilling on his bed on his phone.

"He's so angry... He won't even let me talk to him!" Sakusa complained, flailing his arms about as he spoke.

Bokuto hummed, "Sakubro, did you ever think about how your words may have effected him?" He replied, honestly not really paying attention.

Sakusa blinked up at the ceiling, "Well- I mean... It was just a stupid comment I made," he said defensively.

Bokuto scoffed and sat up, paying full attention now, "Dude, you literally said right to his face that you'd prefer a different setter," he pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

Sakusa ran his hands over his face in frustration, "I know! I didn't expect him to react that badly, now he won't even acknowledge my existence," he whined.

Bokuto rolled his eyes, "Honestly, and this is just my opinion, but you deserve it," he said bluntly, "If there is one thing that you never ever do, it's insult another man's volleyball skills."

Sakusa sighed in exasperation, he knew that, but his dumb idiot of a self had to go and fuck up everything.

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I'm just vibing to Summer Sun and feeling real chill ¦)

Anygays, bye!

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