Day 16: Shocking Ships

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That morning, Sakusa was sitting on the couch in the MSBY building living room.

He was sleep-deprived because Atsumu, true to his word, had woken him up every two hours to check if he was okay.

Sakusa was tired, but he was grateful for Atsumu taking care of him just like Sakusa did when Atsumu hurt his ankle.

Besides, Sakusa's head was starting to clear up already, and Atsumu was currently sitting next to him, sleeping with his head on Sakusa's shoulder.

While Sakusa was able to go right back to sleep after Atsumu woke him up, the setter, on the other hand, had to monitor him, and so Atsumu barely got any sleep.

At the moment, Sakusa, in all his sleep-deprived glory, was grinning like an idiot behind his mask while watching a volleyball game on the television, all because a certain blonde setter, who had kept an eye on night to make sure he was okay, had decided to use his shoulder as a pillow.

Atsumu's steady, light breathing was comforting to Sakusa, who was currently analyzing the two teams on screen.

Sakusa wondered if Atsumu would still care about him if he found out about the spiker's feelings towards him.

The thought stung because Sakusa decided that the answer was a definite no.

Sakusa was quickly distracted though, because the blonde setter sleeping on his shoulder began to stir.

Sakusa watched from the corner of his eye as Atsumu's eyes slowly blinked open and his long, dark eyelashes fluttered, revealing those beautiful honey-brown eyes that Sakusa, though painfully, had come to love seeing.

Atsumu yawned and sat up slowly before took in his surroundings while he rubbed his eyes.

Sakusa blinked, how it was possible for a twenty-two-year-old man to look so adorable, he didn't know.

Atsumu's gaze eventually settled on Sakusa, "Mornin', Omi..." He greeted, before he yawned, "How're ya feelin'?"

Sakusa blinked, "You just wake up and that's the first thing you ask?" He asked with a deadpan expression.

Atsumu furrowed his eyebrows, "What else would I ask?" He countered, "I'm s'pposed to be takin' care of ya, y'know?"

Sakusa exhaled lightly and chuckled, "I'm feeling fine, Miya," he answered, "Not as dizzy," he added.

"That's good, 'cause we have that thing today... That thing for Bokuto's channel?" Atsumu asked while he slowly got up and stretched.

The bottom of Atsumu's shirt lifted up slightly and Sakusa coughed into his hand when he realized that he was staring a bit too long, though Atsumu didn't seem to notice.

Atsumu walked over to the kitchen and took out a few ingredients for breakfast.

Sakusa thought that maybe Atsumu shouldn't be busy by the stove while that tired, so he got up and moved behind Atsumu.

He grabbed Atsumu's wrist right as he was about to put the pan on the stove, catching the blonde by surprise.

Atsumu looked up at him in surprise, "Omi?"

"You are way too tired to cook, go take a nap," Sakusa said bluntly.

Atsumu narrowed his eyes, "But then who's gonna make breakfast? Inunaki an' Adriah are still sleepin', an' I don't trust Bokkun an' Sho-kun in the kitchen," he grumbled.

Sakusa sighed, "I'll do it... Just go take a nap," he answered.

Atsumu exhaled heavily and made his way towards the stairs, "Fine... Jus' don't burn the house down, okay?"

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