Day 11: Teary Apologies

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"Omi, if my ankle is healed t'morrow, d'ya think that Meian and Coach will me play?" Atsumu asked as Sakusa helped him down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"I think that you should stop worrying about it and rest your ankle," Sakusa replied with a deadpan expression.

Atsumu huffed and rolled his eyes, "It's my career, Omi," Atsumu said.

"Right, but there's nothing you can do to speed up the healing process except for relaxing, or you'll make your ankle worse," Sakusa replied.

Atsumu sighed as Sakusa set him down on one of the stools by the kitchen island while the spiker made breakfast.

Twenty minutes later, Sakusa finished breakfast and placed a plate in front of Atsumu.

He then grabbed his own plate and sat down next to the blonde.

"Omi," Atsumu called, to which Sakusa hummed in response, "I'm sorry I hurt my ankle..." He said solemnly.

Sakusa froze, "Why are you apologizing for something you had no control of? And... Why are you apologizing to me for hurting your ankle??" He asked after a few moments of silence.

Atsumu let his gaze drift to the floor, "We can't practice that new combo we've been workin' on," he explained softly.

Sakusa's eyes widened as his gaze snapped to Atsumu, only to realize that the blonde was on the brink of tears.

"Miya..." He said softly, "You don't have to apologize for that, we still have the rest of this season and the whole of next season to perfect that combo."

Atsumu sniffed and nodded, "I know... It's jus'- I really wanted to use it in the match t'morrow, but now I'm not sure if I can even play t'morrow," he said.

Sakusa frowned, "Is your ankle still that bad?" He asked.

Atsumu shook his head and rubbed his eyes, "I've been restin' it jus' like ya an' Meian told me to," he answered.

Sakusa sighed before he put down his utensils and gently reached out and wiped Atsumu's tears away with his thumb, "Don't cry, Miya, just keep resting your ankle and we'll see if you're court-worthy tomorrow morning before the game, okay?" He said.

Atsumu stared at him with flushed cheeks and shocked eyes, "Y-yeah, sure, Omi..."

Sakusa had never seen Atsumu like this, even though the setter had cried the day before, Sakusa just thought that it was the pain, but now that Atsumu confirmed that his ankle hasn't really been giving him too much trouble, Sakusa began to wonder why the blonde was acting like this.

Sakusa was snapped from his thoughts when Atsumu said something, "Thank ya, Omi," he said softly.

Sakusa didn't know whether he was thanking him for breakfast or something else but he didn't want to push it.

Sakusa hummed as he grabbed his and Atsumu's empty plates and cleaned them off in the sink before he turned back and leaned across the island counter in front of Atsumu.

"You seem a bit down today, so why don't we hang out?" He asked.

Atsumu raised his head to meet Sakusa's gaze, a shocked look in his eyes, "Would ya really do that?" He asked carefully.

A part of Sakusa felt hurt that Atsumu was questioning him but he ignored it, "Yeah, that's what friends do, and we are friends, right?" Sakusa asked.

There was an unfamiliar flash of pain in Atsumu's eyes before it vanished and the blonde nodded, "Yeah, we're... Friends," he confirmed.

Sakusa frowned at Atsumu's reply, for some reason, something about them being just friends didn't sit right with him.

However, he shrugged it off as he walked around the island and leaned back against it next to Atsumu, "So what do you want to do?" He asked.

Atsumu thought for a bit before his face lit up, "I wanna watch a movie!" He said.

Sakusa smirked, "Only if I get to pick," he replied.

Atsumu huffed before he gave in, "Fine..."

Sakusa grinned before he helped Atsumu stand up and go to the blonde's room.

Going up the stairs was a struggle, and Sakusa really wished he could just pick up Atsumu and carry him instead of painstakingly helping him up every single step.

Of course, Sakusa could pick up Atsumu since the blonde wasn't that heavy and Sakusa, who used his free time to go to the gym, wasn't exactly weak.

It was just something about the thought of holding Atsumu in his arms while the blonde held on to him as he carried him made Sakusa's heart beat out of control and his face heat up.

The feeling was unfamiliar to Sakusa, and it was strange how it only came about when he was thinking of Atsumu, talking to him or just near the setter in general.

Sakusa felt the need to be around Atsumu more than just their training sessions.

It was a common feeling towards Atsumu that Sakusa had harbored since high school, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Shoving his conflicting thoughts aside, Sakusa led Atsumu to the setter's room where they settled on the bed and Sakusa picked a movie.

To no surprise, Sakusa picked a horror movie that made Atsumu cling to him at every single jumpscare, something that Sakusa thought he'd find annoying, but, in actuality, he found it oddly pleasant.

Atsumu on the other hand was murdering himself internally for agreeing to hang out with Sakusa.

After they finished the movie, they decided to watch another movie, though this time Atsumu insisted that he pick and Sakusa found that he just couldn't deny the blonde.

So in the end, the spiker-setter duo ended up watching the whole How to Train Your Dragon franchise in one sitting while Atsumu was starstruck by Toothless the dragon being adorable.

"Oh man, now I want a dog..." Atsumu said randomly when they were halfway through the first movie.

Sakusa raised an eyebrow, "What made you think of that all of a sudden?"

Atsumu huffed, "Nah, it's jus', Toothless is kinda jus' a super-sized scaly reptilian puppy," he said defensely.

Sakusa looked up at the screen to see Hiccup scratch Toothless' belly, "Mm, I guess you're right."

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Toothless > Every other dragon😍👌

Anygays, byee!

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