Day 4: Chaotic Interview

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It was five minutes to nine and the Jackals were standing backstage waiting for their interview to begin.

"Good morning, Osaka!! Today, we have some special guests," they heard the interviewer say excitedly, "You all know them, and you all love them, I present to you, MSBY Black Jackals!!" She announced.

The applause and cheers were deafening as the Jackals walked onstage and took their seats.

There were four two-seater couches set up in a semi-circle and a one-seater that the interviewer was sitting on.

The seating arrangements were Meian and Barnes closest to the interviewer, after them it was Adriah and Inunaki, and then it was Bokuto and Hinata, and finally Atsumu and Sakusa.

Atsumu was sitting as far away from Sakusa as possible and it was honestly irritating the spiker, but he chose to ignore it for now.

"Thank you for having us," Meian said politely after the whole team had taken their seats.

The interviewer laughed, "Thank you for accepting our offer!" She countered, earning a laugh from Meian.

"Of course, we love taking chances at communicating with our fans," Adriah said, flashing a wide smile to the audience, who screamed in all their fan-girling glory.

"So what are we doing today?" Barnes asked after the fans' screams died down.

The interviewer smiled, "Well, I'm going to ask you a few questions to start with, and then we'll play a game with the four monster generation players," she explained.

"Ohhh! I'm excited!" Hinata said quickly, earning an enthusiastic nod of agreement from Bokuto.

"Alright! I have a few questions from the fans," the interviewer said, "The first question is for Hinata Shoyo," the mentioned boy scooted to the edge of his seat to listen closer, "Is it true that you and the setter of the Schweiden Adlers, Kageyama Tobio, are dating?"

Hinata scoffed, "That's old news already," he said, flapping his hand dismissively, "But yes, Bakayama and I have been dating for about four years now," he said confidently.

The fans screamed loudly, causing Hinata to blush lightly and wave at the crowd.

"Thank you, Hinata-kun! The Next question is for Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi," she said.

Both boys, who'd barely been paying attention, turned to look at the interviewer expectantly.

"Is it true that you two went to the All-Japan Youth training camp for your first two years of high school?" She asked.

Atsumu answered first, "Yeah, we actually met at that trainin' camp in first year," he said, earning a nod from Sakusa.

"Wasn't that also the year when the two of you were named as the top ranked players in your respective positions?" The interviewer asked.

Sakusa answered this time, "Yes, and because of that we were often paired up by the coaches," he said nonchalantly.

"Wow! And I heard that Bokuto was in the top five best spikers in the country that year!" The interviewer commented.

Bokuto nodded, "I was in fact third in the country, but when little Sakusa came along, I got knocked down to fourth," he chuckled.

Hinata nodded frantically, "Bokuto-san taught me a lot of things!" He said excitedly.

The interviewer laughed, "The Jackals must feel really lucky to have the four of you on their team!"

Inunaki chuckled, "Honestly, playing with the four of them is hectic, especially when it comes to receiving their spikes and serves," he said, "I'm glad they're on our side."

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