Day 20: Misunderstandings

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Atsumu woke up on Saturday morning with a sharp pain in his lower back and butt.

He tried to roll over to get out of bed when he realized that he couldn't, because there was something wrapped around his waist.

It took him a moment in his hungover, post-sleep fogged mind to register that it was a pair of muscular arms that held him around his waist, and that he was pressed against something firm and broad.

Atsumu's eyes shot open and they immediately landed on a shirtless Sakusa sleeping in front of him with his arms wrapped around Atsumu's waist.

Atsumu gasped, "O-Omi-kun??" He exclaimed shakily, causing Sakusa to stir.

The moment Sakusa opened his eyes, he jolted and let go of Atsumu, who took the opportunity to move back.

That's when Atsumu noticed that he wasn't wearing anything underneath the blankets, and he realized that when Sakusa sat up with a similar shocked expression on his face, he too, was not wearing any clothing.

Atsumu covered his mouth with his hands, "D-did we...?"

"Miya-" Sakusa stopped himself, not knowing what to say.

There was no doubt that Atsumu would hate him now.

Sakusa ran a shaky hand through his hair, "I... Miya, I'm sorry... This was a mistake, it didn't mean anything," he said before he could think any better of it.

Sakusa got up and began to gather his clothing to get dressed while Atsumu just stared at him in disbelief.

Atsumu was frozen on the bed, and his breathing began to quicken. He was panicking, and it had triggered his flight or fight response.

Atsumu chose flight. He scrambled off the bed and hastily pulled on his underwear and sweatpants, ignoring the stickiness of the liquid that slid down his legs.

Atsumu was on the brink of tears as he pulled his shirt over his head and grabbed a hoodie off the floor, not noticing that it wasn't his.

Atsumu ran out of the room on shaky legs that sent shooting pain up his lower back everytime he took a step.

He heard Sakusa calling for him but he didn't look back, instead, he ran to his own room, grabbed his car keys and phone, and bolted out of the MSBY dormitory building after grabbing his shoes.

His eyes were blurry with tears and his breathing was uneven. It probably wasn't a good idea to drive in his state, but he didn't care.

He needed to get out of there. Away. Anywhere but there. Anywhere other than with Sakusa.

So he drove. He drove until he'd arrived at the hotel his brother was staying at with Suna while they were in Osaka for the end-of-season party.

Atsumu quickly searched through their messages to find the room number that Osamu had texted him when he'd asked a few days before.

After he found the room, he dialed his brother with shaking hands.

Osamu woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing on the bedside table of his hotel room.

He turned over groggily, and looked over at his phone, groaning when he saw his brother's contact.

Osamu got out of bed, careful not to wake Suna, and pulled on some sweatpants and a t-shirt.

He then moved to the kitchen area and finally picked up the phone, "What the fuck, Tsumu-"


Osamu froze when he heard Atsumu's voice. It was broken, hoarse from crying, and he definitely didn't miss the soft sniffles.

"Samu...? Are ya there?" Atsumu asked, breaking Osamu from his stupor.

"Where are ya?" Osamu asked instantly.

"I'm outside," Atsumu answered shakily.

With that, Osamu made a beeline towards the door. He shoved the keys into the lock and opened the door, his eyes widening at the state of his twin.

To put it simply, Atsumu was a mess.

His hair was disheveled. His cheeks were flushed with traces of tear tracks running down his skin. His eyes were puffy and Osamu could see the heartbreak as plain as day.

Osamu's gaze went down and his breath caught in his caught. Atsumu's neck was littered with fresh purple bruises and bite marks.

Osamu quickly looked to his left and then to his right before he grabbed Atsumu's wrist and pulled him in through the open door.

Osamu hastily turned to his brother after he finished locking the door. He gently grabbed Atsumu's shoulders, not failing to notice that he was shaking.

"What happened, Tsumu? Why d'ya look like...this?" He asked.

Atsumu's lower lip quivered and he looked downwards, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Omi..." He answered, "He- We... We-"

"Did he do this to ya?" Osamu asked, his was suddenly cold and radiating anger, "I swear if he-"

"No, Samu!" Atsumu shook his head frantically, "He didn' anythin'... At least not without my consent," he whispered.

Osamu's eyes widened, "What...?"

Atsumu took a deep breath, trying to remember everything that happened the night before.

"Last night... W-we left the party," he started, "We were already kinda drunk, but we kept drinkin', an' eventually he kissed me an' one thing led to another..." He explained, shaking more the further he continued, "The sex wasn't the problem, though, it was... It was when we woke up this mornin'..."

Atsumu couldn't continue. He started crying again, his hands reaching up to wipe the tears that wouldn't stop flowing.

He slid to the floor, Osamu following with him. Osamu pulled Atsumu into his chest and stroked his hair while the blonde twin sobbed.

Sakusa hadn't realised how much weight his words had on Atsumu. He hadn't realised just how much his actions effected the blonde.

Osamu cursed Sakusa for being so blind, for not noticing how Atsumu relied on his presence and his words.

Osamu continued to comfort his brother until Atsumu went to the bathroom to wash and clean up.

After Atsumu had recovered from his second panic attack, after witnessing the hickies that covered his body in the bathroom mirror, he took a much-needed bath in hot water, and then he borrowed some clothes from Osamu and went to sit on the couch.

Suna had woken up shortly after Atsumu had gotten into the shower, and Osamu explained what Atsumu told him.

As of this moment, the trio were piled on the couch watching the Maze Runner trilogy.

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My apologies for doing this, but it will get better, I promise 😉

Anygays, byee!

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