Day 12: Back Again

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"Alright Miya, I'm going to let you walk on your own now," Sakusa informed, to which Atsumu nodded.

Sakusa slowly let go of where he was holding Atsumu's arms, allowing the blonde to place all of his weight onto his feet.

Atsumu scrunched up his face in preparation for the oncoming pain, an action which Sakusa found oddly adorable, but was pleasantly surprised to find that there was no pain at all.

Atsumu turned around and beamed at Sakusa, "There's no pain, Omi! I can play!!" He shouted happily.

Sakusa felt a fond smile creep onto his face behind the mask as he watched Atsumu dart around the backyard, running and jumping.

Atsumu's smile was bright and cheerful, and Sakusa could tell that the setter was ecstatic to be able to get back out onto the court.

With Atsumu back on his feet, the spiker-setter duo made their way to the gym where the rest of the team was waiting by the bus.

Atsumu saw Hinata and Bokuto and practically sprinted towards them.

"Tsumu-san!! I see your ankle is better," Hinata called out excitedly.

Bokuto smiled brightly, "Hey, hey, hey, Tsum-Tsum!!! Looks like we're going to be winning this match after all!!" He shouted before he wrapped the setter in a massive bear hug.

Atsumu, being a setter, was a lot smaller in build than Bokuto, who was a spiker, so he was a lot bigger and broader, and therefore squeezed Atsumu half to death.

"Bokkun- Yer crushin' me," he croaked.

Bokuto's eyes widened and he immediately let go of the setter, who stumbled backwards, only to be caught by Sakusa.

Atsumu sent a thankful glance towards Sakusa before he righted himself.

"It's good to see you back on your feet, Atsumu," Meian said with a grin, "We might just win against the Raijins," he added.

Atsumu scoffed playfully, "Of course we're gonna win, Meian, if we don't, I'll hafta hear it from both Mori an' Sunarin," he said with a displeased expression on his face.

Meian chuckled, "That's good to hear," he replied.

"Jeez, Tsumu, how'd your ankle heal so quickly?" Inunaki asked.

Atsumu shrugged, "I jus' had to stay off it," he said, "It was difficult but I had some help gettin' 'round the buildin'," he added, sending a small smile in Sakusa's direction.

The corners of Sakusa's eyes crinkled, indicating that he was smiling under the mask as he ruffled his hand through Atsumu's soft blonde hair.

The rest of the team gaped at this interaction, their jaws basically on the floor for the entire ten-second duration of when Sakusa's hand was ruffling Atsumu's hair.

"Alright, then... We'd better get going before we're late to our game," Meian said, earning a round of eager nods of agreement from his teammates.

With that, the MSBY Black Jackals were on their way to their match against the EJP Raijins.

They were playing in Nagano, so it was a few hours later when they were finally getting off the bus at the Raijins' home gym.

About an hour later, it was near the end of the match, and both teams were beyond exhausted.

They were tied one to one and in the third set, and the score was tied at thirty-five to thirty-five.

The rally had been going on for a while but eventually the Jackals prevailed with a powerful spike from Bokuto that just slipped past Komori.

The game was close and the energy levels were dropping.

As the teams shifted their positions on the court, Sakusa placed a hand on Atsumu's shoulder, "The new combo, let's try it," he said.

Atsumu's attention snapped towards Sakusa, staring at him with widened eyes, "We can't... It only has a fifty-percent success rate," he said quickly.

Sakusa frowned, "Fifty percent is better than zero," he countered, "Come on, Miya, what have we got to lose?"

Atsumu raised an eyebrow, "I don't know- Maybe the match??" He snapped back.

Sakusa rolled his eyes, "We won't be losing the match, Miya, we're in the lead right now, so if it goes wrong, we'll just be tied," he justified, "Let's just try it."

Atsumu sighed, "Fine..."

With that, they took their positions on the court and waited for Hinata's serve, which Komori received perfectly.

The ball went to the Raijins' setter who set it up to Suna before he spiked it down, but Inunaki just managed to receive it.

The receive was a bit shaky, compliments of Suna and his extreme upper-body strength, but Atsumu managed to get underneath the ball nevertheless.

Sakusa took a few steps to his left before he sprinted towards the net and jumped upwards, ready to spike the perfection of a set that Atsumu sent his way.

Sakusa remembered Atsumu's instructions and twisted his wrist in the exact motions that the setter showed him.

He spiked the ball with an intense amount of power, the spin causing it to curve dangerously out of Komori's reach and land just inside the line of the right side of the court.

The whole gym was silent for a second, everyone just processing the insane combo made by Sakusa and Atsumu, but the gym was suddenly immersed in a deafening roar of the crowd.

The Jackals started celebrating, Bokuto carrying Hinata on his back and marching around the gym, Adriah and Inunaki hugging each other excitedly, and Meian and Barnes high-fiving with large smiles on their faces.

Sakusa turned to Atsumu and smiled widely at him before he picked up the setter like Rafiki holding Simba.

Atsumu was facing him, a bright beaming smile on his face as Sakusa spun him around before he placed him back on the ground.

"See? I told you it would work," Sakusa teased, his hands still on Atsumu's waist.

Atsumu chuckled lightly, "Alright, Omi, I admit, it worked," he replied.

Sakusa suddenly became aware of where his hands were placed, and quickly removed them right as he and Atsumu were bulldozed by Hinata and Bokuto who tackled them to the ground.

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Weep woop 😛

Anygays, byee!

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