Day 10: Twisted Ankle

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It was the beginning of training and the Jackals had decided to start off with a quick practice match.

It was Atsumu, Hinata, Sakusa and Barnes against Meian, Bokuto, Inunaki and Adriah.

Atsumu, Hinata, Barnes and Sakusa's team was in the lead again, and in all honesty, whichever team had Atsumu always won no matter who else was on it because the setter knew how to bring the best out of his spikers.

The ball had just been set up by Meian and Bokuto spiked it down, only for it to be received by Hinata's insane reflexes.

However, the receive had a bit of spin on it and curved a little at the last second, causing Atsumu's first step, which was usually perfect, to be slightly off when he set it up.

Due to his first step being misplaced, Atsumu's weight shifted incorrectly when he set the ball to Sakusa.

The set was perfect, Sakusa spiked it down just out of the reach of Inunaki and won the game for them, but no one was focused on that.

They were all focused on the setter who'd fallen to the floor after setting up the ball.

Hinata rushed over to Atsumu, "Tsumu-san! Are you okay??" He asked quickly.

Atsumu smiled at him, "I'm okay, Sho-kun," he replied as he began to get up.

"You're sure?" Hinata asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fi-"

Atsumu cut himself off, his eyes widened in pain as he winced and fell to the ground.

The rest of the team rushed over, "Tsum-Tsum, what's wrong??" Bokuto asked frantically.

Atsumu tried to twist his foot and winced, "M-my ankle," he answered shakily.

Meian shooed them away a bit to give Atsumu some space before he crouched down and gently took hold of Atsumu's foot, "Does this hurt?" He asked, and Atsumu shook his head.

Meian slowly rotated Atsumu's foot, "Does this hurt-"

Meian was cut off by a cry of pain from the blonde and he sighed, "I can't tell what it is, but if it's a sprain, you won't be able to play in the match on Friday," he said, standing up.

Atsumu's eyes widened with fear, "N-no! I'm fine! I can still play," he said before trying to get up again.

The moment Atsumu placed weight on his foot, his ankle buckled and he began to fall, only to be caught by Sakusa who grabbed him by his arms just in time.

Meian sighed, "No, you're not fine, Atsumu, you need to rest that ankle," he said, "I suggest you spend the rest of the practice in the infirmary before you make it worse."

Sakusa pulled Atsumu up and wrapped one of the setter's arms over his shoulder before securing arm around the blonde's waist.

"I'll take him to the infirmary," Sakusa announced before helping Atsumu walk towards the doors that led to that side of the gym building.

Meian nodded and turned to the rest of the team to discuss something.

Atsumu felt tears gather in the corners of his eyes as he tried not to think about his ankle.

It could be a sprain, and he'd possibly be out for the next week, but it could also be a fracture, and that meant he'd be out for at least a month.

Thousands of scenarios ran through Atsumu's head, none of them good.

He didn't even realize that they'd made it to the infirmary and that Sakusa had helped him sit down on the edge of one of the beds until Sakusa physically shook him.

"Miya!" Sakusa called, causing Atsumu to jolt.

"Huh?" Atsumu asked shakily.

Sakusa crouched down to be eye-level with Atsumu, an expression of shock on his face, "Are you... Crying?" He asked in disbelief.

Atsumu's eyes widened, and he frantically began to wipe his eyes, only making the wet splotches on his face spread across his cheeks.

Sakusa caught Atsumu's wrists and pulled them down so that he could see Atsumu's face clearly, but Atsumu turned away.

"Miya, look at me," he directed to no avail.

When Atsumu gave no indication of following Sakusa's instructions, the spiker gritted his teeth, "Miya!!" He shouted.

Atsumu went rigid as his head snapped back in Sakusa's direction before he ripped his wrists from Sakusa's grip, his teary eyes filled with fear.

Sakusa internally cursed, "Shit..." He whispered, "I didn't mean to shout, I'm sorry," he said, "Why are you crying?" He asked carefully.

Atsumu broke eye-contact and squeezed his eyes closed, "What if this is a serious injury, Omi...? What if I'm benched for the rest of the season 'cause of it??" He said frantically, "I shoulda adjusted my step, I shoulda known the ball was gonna curve, I shoulda-"

Sakusa gently gripped Atsumu's arms again, this time at his shoulders, "Hey... Look at me," he said softly, and Atsumu obliged.

Sakusa took a breath, "You probably just twisted your ankle, stop overreacting," he said.

Atsumu seemed to calm down a bit at Sakusa's words, but he still seemed nervous.

Sakusa sighed and got up from his crouched position on the floor, to go grab something from the mini fridge in the corner of the infirmary.

He came back with a tub of ointment labeled 'ice gel' and sat down on the bed next to Atsumu.

Sakusa gently brought Atsumu's injured foot up onto the bed and rested it on his lap while the blonde watched him curiously.

Sakusa then began to unlace Atsumu's shoe and took it off before taking the sock of as well.

Without hesitation, Sakusa opened the tub of ointment and spread some on Atsumu's ankle, causing the blonde to hiss at the contact.

Sakusa chuckled as he looked up at Atsumu, "Cold?" He asked, earning a nod from Atsumu before the blonde tipped his head back and pursed his lips with his eyes squeezed tightly shut, a small audible sigh escaping his mouth.

Sakusa turned back to putting the ointment on Atsumu's ankle, his face red with blush, though it went unnoticed by the setter who still had his eyes closed.

After Sakusa had finished applying the ointment, it began to heat up, and he grabbed some compression bandages out of a cupboard and wrapped it tightly around Atsumu's ankle, though not tight enough to cut blood circulation.

"Done," Sakusa said, notifying Atsumu of his completion.

Atsumu looked down at his now-bandaged ankle, "Thanks, Omi..." He said.

Sakusa gave a small smile, "No problem," he replied before he gently took hold of Atsumu's arm and laid him down on the bed.

To Atsumu's surprise, Sakusa lied down next to him and pulled the setter's head onto his chest.

Atsumu blushed heavily, "O-Omi? What're ya doin'?" He asked.

"Keeping you company," Sakusa replied nonchalantly.

"But what 'bout practice??" Atsumu asked.

Sakusa scoffed, "Well there's not much I can do without my setter, is there?" He asked rhetorically, a hint of smugness in his tone.

"Yer setter?" Atsumu asked, a heavy blush lighting up his face.

Sakusa smirked and ran his hand through Atsumu's hair, "My setter," he said with a tone of finality.

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Ngl these author's notes be getting lazyyy

Anygaysss! Byeee!

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