Chapter 3: Record Shop

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"Y/N! Hurry up!"

"Just a second!" She said from inside her room. She was finishing a report that she had to pass.

Supposedly a group effort, but she ended up doing by herself. Well, what does she have to worry about? She didn't put her groupmates' names for submission without any purpose, now did she?

"Done!" She said as she slammed her hand on the table as a sign of victory. She grabbed her bag and held on to that report for her dear life as she walked out of her room.

"What took you so long?" Dustin asked as they walked to the table.

"Well sorry, I had to finish a report." She said as she took the cup of coffee and sipped. "It was supposed to be- hey, this is coffee! Not for you!"

She lightly slapped Dustin's hand away from the coffee. He was too young for caffeine.

"Anyways, it was supposed to be a group report." She continued on.

"And not a single one of them helped-"

"Not a damn soul." She cut him off and finished her coffee.

"You should atleast eat or take some food on the way to school?" Dustin suggested.

"Right." She said as she took a sandwich from the plate. "I'll just eat while we're on the way."

Dustin packed three sandwiches and gave one to her. "For later."

"Thank you, Dusty." She thanked him and ruffled his hair.

"Hey! I fixed that already!" He complained which caused her to laugh.

"Alright kids, get there safely!" Dustin's mom said as she came from the kitchen. "I won't be home tonight, okay? Take good care."

"Bye Mom!"
"Bye Auntie!"

As they got to school, Dustin immediately saw his friends. Y/N had met them more than once already. She had already given a thought to what it would look like if they hung out with Eddie.

"Oh, Y/N. Is it okay if Dustin hangs out at my place later?" Mike asked.

Y/N nodded. "Sure. But be home by 10, and don't even think about not listening to me."

"Fine." Dustin said. "Love you, bye!"

As the four kids ran to their school building, she let out a small sigh of relief. Things were going well. She learned how to deal with gossip, she got a bit of self-confidence, and she has aced almost every test, every report, and every project.

Before she could get in the door, she heard Eddie's van. She smiled as she instantly recognized the sound of the van. Eddie got out and raised his hand as a hello to Y/N. She waved back at him while he ran to her side.

"Well, aren't you early?" She said.

"My uncle told me to get going." He said. He took the report off her hands. "What's this?"

"The report due today." She replied.

"There's a report?" Eddie asked.

Y/N turned to face him with a disappointed look. "Mr. Watson told us yesterday about this, Eddie. Don't tell me you didn't contribute anything to your group?"

"Hmm...nope." He said as he continued to look at her report. "This is very long."

"Yes, it is." She replied.

"Why is it only your name listed?" He asked.

"Because no one helped." She simply said.

"Badass, Henderson." He smirked at her as he handed back the report.

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