Chapter 17: Bohemian Rhapsody

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-trigger warning-

"Hey uh, Henderson's not cursed, is he?" Eddie asked, referring to Dustin who was pacing around non-stop.

"Cursed? No, no. He's fine. Mental? Absolutely." Steve said.

"Boom!" Dustin shouted, to which everyone turned to him. "Bada bada boom. I was right. Skull Rock was north."

"Seriously? You're serious?" Steve asked in disbelief.

"Mhm." Dustin replied, nodding.

"This is Skull Rock, okay? You're totally absolutely 100% wrong. Right now." Steve said.

"Yes, and no." Dustin said.

"Oh my God." Steve exclaimed.

"This compass worked correctly when we left the Wheelers'. It was correct when we got in the car on Curly. But it started to slip the further east we went. Now, it's way off." Dustin explained. "When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong. The compass was."

"So you're using faulty equipment. You're still wrong." Steve said.

"Except, it isn't faulty. Lucas, remember what can affect a compass?" Dustin turned to Lucas.

"An electromagnetic field." Lucas realized.

"I'm sorry, I must've skipped that class." Robin said.

"In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power. So either there's some super big magnet around here, or..."

"There's a gate." Lucas finished.

"But we're nowhere near the lab." Nancy pointed out.

"But what if, somehow, there's another gate?"

Eddie looked at all of them, he understood what was going on but it still felt so confusing. Everything was new to him, and this reaction was genuine. He looked at Y/N who was standing behind all of them. She was facing the opposite direction. He smiled as he looked at her. He felt so lucky to have her.

He sneaked up at her, trying not to make too much noise.

"Boo!" He screamed as he tried to scare Y/N. He let out a laugh, but it soon died when he noticed Y/N didn't move an inch. "Hey, you okay?"

She didn't answer him. He then looked at her face and saw her eyes. They looked just exactly like what happened to Chrissy. He instantly felt fear as he looked at her.

"No, no, no. No, this is not happening." He mumbled as he tried to shake her to wake her up. "No, not you. Not you!"

"Where are you going? Hey, hey, hey!" Steve called out to Dustin who was walking away.

"Eddie's still a wanted man! We can't just go for a hike in the woods." Steve said.

"This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie-"

"Fuck! Help me!" Eddie shouted, calling everyone's attention. "No, Y/N, not you! No, wake up!"

Everyone ran to Y/N, and Dustin felt worried all around. "Holy shit!"

"Music! We need music!" Steve said, in panic.

"I only have Kate Bush!" Max exclaimed as she looked around her pockets.

"Oh, fuck! We're in the middle of the woods!" Lucas said.

"Steve, get to her motorbike. She always brings a small bag with her full of tapes kept in the seat compartment. Go!" Dustin yelled in the end, trying so hard to keep calm.

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