Chapter 23: Love of My Life

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"Steve says you need to hurry!"

"Yeah? No shit!" Dustin shouts, panicking.

"We're trying but we can't find anything!" Max said.

"Seriously, what is all this shit?!" Robin complains.

"What are you even looking for?" Eddie asked, panic running through him.

"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!" Robin exclaimed.

Eddie took the Iron Maiden tape from Robin's hand and held it up. "THIS IS MUSIC!"

"This would've been a lot easier if Dustin didn't left behind Y/N's bag of tapes!" Lucas complained.

"Oh, piss off, Lucas!" Dustin shouted in return.

"Dustin! Focus!" Y/N said. "There's no time to blame one another!"

"She's okay! She's okay..." They heard Steve's voice from outside Eddie's room and they finally calmed down.

They got out of Eddie's room and to the living room.

"Let's get you out of here, okay?" Steve gently told Nancy, making sure she would relax and calm down.

Everyone helped Nancy down, then Steve followed.

"We can't stay here, right?" Steve asked, holding on to Nancy.

"My house is right infront, we can crash there." Max suggested.

"Yeah, we better get some shut eye." Robin said. Her stomach, as if on cue, growled. "And perhaps food."


Eddie woke up from his sleep and felt the emptiness of the bed. He looked beside him and found no trace of Y/N. He looked at the clock on the nightstand and saw it was 3 in the morning. He scratched his head and stood up, walking out of Max's mom's room. The other girls were in Max's room, while the boys offered to stay in the living room.

Eddie saw Steve awake, drinking coffee in the kitchen area.

"Hey." Steve greeted.

"Hey. Have you seen Y/N?" Eddie asked.

Steve motioned to Eddie's trailer. "I think she's been there for a long while. I just woke up a few minutes ago."

Eddie looked at him, his expression changed. "No one's looking after her?"

"Well, no one else knew and frankly, I don't want to invade her privacy." Steve said.

Eddie sighed and ruffled his hair. "Okay, okay."

Eddie walked out of Max's house and sneaked his way to his trailer. As he walked in, he saw that the only source of light was coming from his room. He slowly walks towards his room and found Y/N laying on his bed and staring to the distance. However, her face had a frown, and that made him felt bad. He walked towards her, careful enough so he wouldn't frighten her. As he sat down beside her on the bed, she looked at him, and her face softened.

"Hello, sweetheart." Eddie softly greeted her as he planted a kiss on her forehead before he offered her to lay on his arm.

"Hello." She greeted back, her voice so quiet.

"What're you doing here all alone, hmm?" He asked her, stroking her hair.

"Everything is just...hitting me all together. This is so overwhelming." Y/N said. She let out a small chuckle. "I was only supposed to return for break. And now here I am, trying to figure out how to kill the son of a bitch that's been murdering people to prove that my bestfriend - now boyfriend - is innocent."

Eddie had a small smile on his face, loving how she just called him her boyfriend. He'll never get used to it.

"I'm sorry...that you got dragged in to this." Eddie started. "You've been through so much already. This was not the break you deserve. You should be enjoying out there, not stressed here in Hawkins."

She looked at him. "Don't be silly. If I had gone to a different place for break, I would've never found out your secret crush on me."

Eddie laughed. "And I would probably still be a virgin."

She lightly slapped him on the chest as they both laughed at his words. She felt so comfortable and safe in his arms, and she just wanted to stay like that.

"Hey, I know what'll make you feel better." Eddie said, looking at her as he caressed her cheek.

"What?" She asked as she looked up at him.

He smiled. "Wait here."

He stood up from his position on the bed and went the side of the room. His acoustic guitar was there, calling out to Eddie. He grabbed his guitar, and sat back down on the bed beside Y/N. As he started to strum randomly, Y/N settles herself on his shoulder, loving that he was about to play music.

He then started to strum to a very familiar tune. And Y/N instantly recognized it. She had watched many VHS tapes of her favorite band to know how they play the song live. Eddie could tell that she recognized it and continued on as he started to sing so softly.

Love of my life, you've hurt me.
You've broken my heart, and now you leave me.
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me.

"It's feels like forever since I last heard you sing." She said with a smile, her voice soft as if she whispered. "I love your voice."

"It's not exactly Mercury level, but it'll do." Eddie joked as he continued to strum.

Y/N loved Eddie's voice so much. He always says he's got a bad voice, and wouldn't believe in compliments. He mostly never sings out in public. But once it was just the two of them, Eddie would sometimes sing. Y/N would sometimes force it out of him.

Love of my life, don't leave me.
You've taken my love, and now desert me.
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back.
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me.

Eddie looked over at Y/N who had her head laying on his shoulder. He could feel her getting relaxed. And it was like her stress was just leaving her.

You will remember
When this is blown over
And everything's all by the way.
When I grow older
I will be there are your side to remind you
How I still love you
I still love you..

He looked at his girl and found her looking at him too. His lips formed a smile. "I love you, Y/N."

"Do you?" She asked.

"Yes. Completely. With all my heart." He said, his voice so soft. "You're the love of my life, my darling."

She leaned close to him and kissed him, the comfort and the love felt with every touch of their lips.

"I love you, Eddie."


a filler but again, merry christmas.

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