Chapter 11: Nothing to Worry About

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-trigger warning-

She could feel intense heat, almost about to burn her alive. She instantly opened her eyes, and there she was. In the very same room, the very same house that started her trauma.

"No.." She told herself, instantly getting up from the bed and run out of the room.

The stairs were blocked, liked how it had been. But with the knowledge she had, she didn't hesitate to find a way to get pass the burning wood. She ran down the stairs, her feet in pain from the burning fire.

"Mom! Dad!" She called out, hoping they'd hear her.

She quickly went to the dining room. There, she found her mother, on the floor. Burning.

"Mom!" She cried, making her way to her mother's side. "Mom! No, stay with me!"

Her mother's face was burning, and bits of her skull was showing. Y/N gasped in horror at her mother's face. She looked over to the other side of the room. Her father was there, laying down. Dead.

The both of them had burned to death.

Then, she hear a faint sound of crying. A baby's cry. She turned around to listen carefully, trying to find out which room was it from. Once she got a hint on where it was coming from, she stood up and quickly ran down the hall to check.

She entered another room, and there she found the crib her sister was in. Tesrs started rolling down her eyes as she made her way to the crib. Her baby sister was burning, and she was still alive.

"No, no, no. Diana, darling, stay with me. Mimi is here." She said, picking up her sister. She didn't care that she got hurt or burnt from even touching her. She carried her in her arms, pulling her close to her as she quietly cried. "I'm so sorry, baby Di. I should've gotten here sooner."

She then felt something crawling on her. She opened her eyes from crying and saw tentacle-like figures coming from her baby sister. It pulled her from the back of her head, and her sister's face turned into a creature with infinite teeth. It was going to suck her in.

Y/N screamed, terrified of what was happening. She tried getting out, but the creature was too strong. The tentacles pulled her in, and in to the creature's mouth.

Y/N woke up screaming, sitting up and crying in fear. Eddie, who was laying beside her on the boat, instantly woke up and held her in his arms.

"Hey, Y/N. It's okay. I'm here." He kept saying, stroking her hair as he gently swayed her to calm her down.

She was sweating, even though she didn't have any clothes on. It was early in the morning, and she woke up from a nightmare.

"Sweetheart, it's alright. I'm here." Eddie said, trying to calm her down. He wanted to know what terrified her, but he had to calm her down.

After a few minutes of her in his arms, and him comforting her, she finally calmed down. He gently wiped the tears off her eyes.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

He didn't want to push her to tell him what was wrong. But he knew she had a nightmare, after waking up like that. He stroke her hair once again and kissed the top of her head. She instantly melted into his embrace and they ended up cuddling, naked.

"Diana." She spoke. Eddie looked at her, and she could feel that he was wondering what she was talking about. "My baby sister's name was Diana. She was named after the Princess of Wales. Our family adore Princess Di."

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